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Topic: aluminum head question (Read 4349 times) previous topic - next topic

aluminum head question

Reply #15
If you are going to go that route get something like this so that the EEC can grow with the car.

By the time you get a stock mass air capable EEC, chip, multiple reburns of the chip, and dyno sessions you will be money ahead going this route. To make a person understand the stock EEC's processor power vs. the MegaSquirtPNP you have to think of it like the original Apple iPhone versus an iPhone 6 or a Vette versus a Chevette.

I have a 331 in my Coupe that is so much of a hybrid that without the SCT switch chip and the dyno tune on the A9L it would not run At all. I am going to the MegaSquirtPNP with dual wide band O2's. The learning curve will be a bit steep but I'm tired of having to depend on someone else to tune it and it never seems to quite be the way I think it could or should be.

The factory EEC can only compensate about 10% so as things fall out of parameter the EEC cannot compensate or learn new stuff. With an aging wiring harness and other aging electronics it's hard for the EEC to just keep up with the degregation of those components. Just gas having 10% ethanol the EEC is already having to compensate to the point of its limits.


83 351W TKO'd T-Bird on the bottle

93 331 Mustang Coupe - 368 rwhp

aluminum head question

Reply #16
Very interesting ill look into that thank you


aluminum head question

Reply #17
looked into the megasquirt and its on the list of parts. it almost pays for itself very quickly when u change the setup often like I like to do. with head and intake combos and soon to be power adders.

I do agree on the learning curve but its deffinaly gonna be nice to tune the car to what I want it to do. watched a few vids on youtube already and It dosent look extremely hard to do.. 

thanks for suggesting that to me