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Topic: The new daily (Or "Why Chuck hasn't been building mounts for a couple months") (Read 3435 times) previous topic - next topic

The new daily (Or "Why Chuck hasn't been building mounts for a couple months")

Reply #15
Like english bulldogs, Tennessee whiskey, and German handguns, it's an acquired taste. But I may not be totally accurate as my taste ran out when I got into German handguns.

Still, those cars are definitely sleeper. Then again, if Chuck had a skateboard, it too would likely fall in the "sleeper" category lol.
'98 Explorer 5.0
'20 Malibu (I know, Chevy, but, 35MPG. Let's go brandon, eh)


The new daily (Or "Why Chuck hasn't been building mounts for a couple months")

Reply #16
Pretty cool...  But where are your cat stickers?  I'm sure you've seen this:
Buy My Volvo