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Topic: What does "CO" mean on a digital fuel gauge? (Read 1975 times) previous topic - next topic

What does "CO" mean on a digital fuel gauge?

The readout on my digital cluster for the remaining gallons of fuel has started reading "CO" all the time.  I've never seen that before.  Anyone know what it means?

What does "CO" mean on a digital fuel gauge?

Reply #2
The shop manuals have a detailed list of alpha-numeric codes but Foe must have found it already or else I would have looked it up.

From my diy link below in my signature, there resides the following information.

 Troubleshooting the Digital Speedo
 Hold the Trip Reset button in
 turn the ign switch to run
 advance through the tests by pressing trip reset
 a steady tone and a "P" on the display says it passed.
 first display will have
 54 in upper left and step number 1 in upper right, P in the center
 here are the displays for a passing speedo

 54 1 P
 78 2 P
 E4 3 P or F
 nothing 4 P or F
 nothing 5 P or F
 nothing 6 P or F
 nothing 7 P or F
 1p 8 P or F

 display test prove out is step 9
Tach/Multi guage diagnostic

 all codes are Hexadecimal format and can range from 00 to FF (binary 0000 to 11111111)or (decimal 0 - 128) . While active in the various modes, they can be used as a "wiggle test" to check for shorts and intermittant circuits. Anyway,, display will be in hex format.

 hold the guages button in and turn the ign key to RUN
 Advance through the tests by pressing the guages button.
 A steady Tone and 8 bars lit is a passing test
 No tone with 24 bars lit is a fail

 To enter the Fuel computer self test
 Press and hold the Select button atleast 5 or so seconds until the test display appears then advance thru the tests by pressing on Select over again.

The shop manuals have a detailed list of alpha-numeric codes but Foe must have found it already


What does "CO" mean on a digital fuel gauge?

Reply #3
Thanks for the info.  I took a quick peek under the car and saw the problem right away.  The car has been sitting outside again for several months and something chewed through the wires.  I'm just glad I won't have to drop the tank to fix it.