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Topic: More Carshow pics (not mine) from Facebook (Read 2543 times) previous topic - next topic

More Carshow pics (not mine) from Facebook

Sept Mcdonald's cruise-in

Riverwalk Communities Carshow

The Duke Boys band was also there playing their 50's & 60's style music. :rollin:

Paula in her poodle skirt next to her cougar for this event.


More Carshow pics (not mine) from Facebook

Reply #1
Dan, that's a great picture of Paula along with the black cat.  It's good to see that you all are still enjoying the car show circuit.  Happy for y'all.
13 Dodge Dart SXT Special Edition
09 Honda Shadow Sabre ---------- 08 Caliber
05 Aztek ---------- 02 Avalanche
02 Thunderbird (4,000 miles) ---------- 02 Cadillac ETC
98 Explorer ---------- 96 Suzuki X-90
89 Fleetwood ---------- 89 Continental
88 Town Car ---------- 86 Silverado ---------- 84 Fiero
83 Town Car ---------- 82 EXP (32,000 miles) ---------- 82 Mercury LN7
80 Mustang (35,000 miles) ---------- 65 Continental
62 Galaxie 500 ---------- 54 Packard