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Topic: Crashed the bird today :( ranting... (Read 1073 times) previous topic - next topic

Crashed the bird today :( ranting...

Well, my t-bird got more or less wrecked today. It was a minor accdent really, as accidents go and there's no way it was my fault but it's still a bummer. I was making a right turn and the guy behind me at the last minute cut inside and hit my passenger door with his front right fender. No one was hurt thankfully but my passenger door has a HUGE dent in rear fender right over the wheel well is cracked now and the window dosen't go up anymore (it was open at the time, still have chunks of his turn signal on my passenger seat). He says he didn't see my blinker which may be true but it WAS on and it DOES work...did then and still does now. I'm not sure if he thought I was turning left and went to pass me on the right or if he was turning into the same lot as I was but either way I don't see how it could have been my fault. Even the cop who showed up looked at him funny and goes "you were BEHIND him?". I think I can replace the door with a salvage one and maybe bondo the part under it. SHouldn't be too hard really but I dunno.
  I'm thinking I might take my insurance money and get a nice MN12. I like my old fox-bird but I'm a newbie when it comes to cars. I've learned a LOT from these forums but I don't think I have anywhere near the expertise to make such an old car into the kind of ride I want. I'd like to have a newer, more reliable Thunderbird. Not saying fox Thunderbirds are un-reliable, I'm just saying mine is showing its age, especially now ;) Right now if I had to choose I'd probably go with a '94 or up. I hear good things about the 4.6 and I like the interior of those cars. I had a '93  LX and the 5.0 HO kicked ASS but the interior was more boring than some Toyotas I've seen. Oh well. *shrug* I might even get a Mustang.
  My T-Bird was by no means the nicest one in the world but it was in good shape. Hell, I commute in the thing every day. It has brand new brakes, exhaust, shocks, struts, balljoints, sway bars, recent paint, and all the little details I fixed from the lock cylinder to the gas cap. I guess shiznit happens but I wish people would be a little more respectful on the road. There was really no need for this accident to happen. Oh well. Thing that sux is, even tho it wasn't my fault my insurance is probably gonna go up now which SUCKS becuase I had an awsome rate. I'm young but I have very good credit and this is my first accedent so my insurane has always been low. Oh well. Just wanted to rant a little. Thanks to everyone on this forum who helped me with technical advice and all my stupid newbie questions. This place is an absoultely invaluable resource for people like me. Thank you all so much.

Re: Crashed the bird today :( ranting...

Reply #1
are you saying that the cop did not report who was at fault?
are  you saying that your state has a "no fault policy"?

if you havent mastered the car you have as far as electrical stuff, your gonna go out of your mind on a newer model.  My opinion, stick with whatcha know.

Since your probably not at fault,, what does the police report say?  the other guys insurance should atleast total your car and your insurance shouldnt get involved if your state is not doing the "no fault" thing.

Re: Crashed the bird today :( ranting...

Reply #2
i thought most states were "no fault" which is a way of saying "we want more money from everyone"?

either way, sucks to see another bird crashed up. she doesn't sound too bad though, with everything else you've done it might not be out of reach to fix it.

Re: Crashed the bird today :( ranting...

Reply #3
pics? I am interested in how strong the bodies are in these cars. Also aproxamate speed of both cars? Sucks to hear about it though. Hope you can get it fixed cheap.
Quote from: jcassity
I honestly dont think you could exceed the cost of a new car buy installing new *stock* parts everywhere in your coug our tbird. Its just plain impossible. You could revamp the entire drivetrain/engine/suspenstion and still come out ahead.
1988 Crown Vic wagon. 120K California car. Wifes grocery getter. (junked)
1987 Ford Thunderbird LX. 5.0. s.o., sn-95 t-5 and an f-150 clutch. Driven daily and going strong.
1986 cougar.

Re: Crashed the bird today :( ranting...

Reply #4
I don't think my state is a "no fault" state cuz my insurance company is coming to look at the damamge and all that. It's Maine if that means anything to you...this is the frist accident I've been in so it's all new to me. I just did what it said to do on the back of my insurance card.
  Jcassity and Cricket you're proably right about staying with what (little) I know and fixing it...I think a door from the salvage yard will make it pretty much driveable and useable again. It was never THAT much to look at but it was by no means a beater either.
  Haystack, here's a pic...I was only going about 10 mph and I'd estimate the guy who hit me was going 20 or 30ish, just to wager a guess. He hit me at an angle with his front right fender. The inside of the door is perfect but outside, well, you can see in the pic. Door still opens all the way thankfully.

Re: Crashed the bird today :( ranting...

Reply #5
Well, looks like if the body is still straight, a new Door, fender, bang out that rocker and bondo smooth, it'll look good as the day before it got hit.

BTW those are some really intresting rims on your bird. Bonus style points for uniqe rims :)

Re: Crashed the bird today :( ranting...

Reply #6
check my entry in parts for sale, i've got the right door. i washiznit on the left side yesterday  car is totaled major frame damage
Baylensman 97 XR7

Re: Crashed the bird today :( ranting...

Reply #7
that is a nice looking bird, I hope you decide to fix it and keep it on the road. I know around here in central Illinois there are not too many fox cats and birds on the streets.
I like the color scheme with the rims.

I have not heard too may good things about the mn12's(electrical, weaker rear end design, body integrity etc.) but I have seem some nice ones out there with v8's

good luck with your decision, alot of good people at this forum to help!


Re: Crashed the bird today :( ranting...

Reply #8
Not trying to hijack your thread but seeing the rocker smashed up made me think of my car. It fell on a jack stand (friends fault) and smashed the rocker panel up in a couple of inches. The peak of the smash is right about even at the back of the right door and the total length of the dent is about a foot and a half. How hard would it be to fix this? What are some ways. I am not really familiar with body work and what kind of tools are out there. Thanks.