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Topic: parts car (Read 1510 times) previous topic - next topic

parts car

Reply #15
well come n get it lol, i need it outa here

parts car

Reply #16
If u wouldve had it back in september before i bought mine, i would definitly take have taken it off your hands, but money is too tight now, sorry man and good luck.

1994 Lincoln Mark VIII

parts car

Reply #17
thx :)

parts car

Reply #18
still for sale

parts car

Reply #19
yeah. this car is STILL for sale, any takers?

parts car

Reply #20
I can't believe you still have it after 3 years of trying to sell it. Have you tried craigslist? For that price I'm sure someone would be interested.


parts car

Reply #21
infact i STILL have it. havent done anything with it other than replace the headgasket so i could start it up