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Topic: A series of questions (Read 1281 times) previous topic - next topic

A series of questions

I've finally decided on what to do on a build but theres a couple things i need clarification on and cant seem to find them.

ive decided on doing a stroked 351 (393) with a carburetor, is the cfi throttle linkage reusable?

i believe the car is already backed with a c4, or rather a 3spd o/d trans, would an AOD swap be worth it? or should i look at getting something stronger, i will probably have it built up some depending on what model it is.

what can i do about getting a disc brake rear end? i planned on using a markvii rear end to gain the 5 lugs, but i have no idea what all its going to involve, along with if i can go up to an 8.8 gearset with a trac lok inside that housing, and how many splines does a mark vii rear end have?

sorry if its a bit unorganised but these questions just stack up lol

A series of questions

Reply #1
I don't know about the linkage. If it has OD, it is most likely an older AOD. To my knowledge C4 had only 3 forward gears. As for tranny strength, a well built AOD should do fine. Stronger would be a C6, but you would not have overdrive. AOD's can be built to be just as strong as a factory C6. As for the brakes and rear, you can find the info you need by going through old posts. To save some time, visit the Cool cats web site. That site has been wonderful for me. It contains all the popular upgrades, and some you may have not thought about.

A series of questions

Reply #2
yeah i still cant figure my trans out, its got overdrive but only has 3 forward gears... figures id be a year off for the nice multiport efi and the 4spd trans lol

A series of questions

Reply #3
Quote from: jwlott85;401051
yeah i still cant figure my trans out, its got overdrive but only has 3 forward gears... figures id be a year off for the nice multiport efi and the 4spd trans lol
I am not familiar with a trans like that. I must mention, some have swapped in trannys from MN12s. I don't know about their strength, and the conversion could prove difficult. They are computerized and you are going with a carb. I would go with an AOD.

A series of questions

Reply #4
Ideally, you'd want something newer, as far as transmissions. They're still basically an "AOD" but they''re electronically controlled and thus are called E4OD, and so on.
They can be made quite strong, but they will require a stand alone controller as they were ran by the parent vehicle's PCM.

As for a Mark 7 rear, they are 28 spline, however if you're worried about strength, you can find a junkyard 8.8 trac loc in 31 spline from any f150, along with axles from a newer ranger, and explorer. You'll have to consult the chart on what years and models are 31 spline...I don't have that info memorized lol.

I was going to swap in a Mark 7 rear, but none of the ones I came across in the yards were trac loc, or else they had the shiznitty ratio, so i stuck with my TC 8.8 and converted it to drum brakes and 5 lug. BTW, ranger and Explorer axles are 5 lug, so if you plan on doing the 5 lug, that's a step there for you.

One last thing. The AOD in an MN12 is same as a Fox, at least for the first few years. The SuperCoupes with the manual used the Ranger/F150 Mazda way will that work in a Fox car, unless you can manage to get the shifter back further. On the trucks, the shifter comes straight up thru the top of the gearbox itself, and not on the tail like a T5, for example.
'98 Explorer 5.0
'20 Malibu (I know, Chevy, but, 35MPG. Let's go brandon, eh)

A series of questions

Reply #5
85 5.0 T-Birds only came with a 4 speed AOD trans.
If it only has 3 speeds, something is wrong with it or it is not the original trans.
Or, It was originaly a 3.8L with a 3 speed C5 trans and it was changed to a 5.0L.
If you post the VIN we can solve this mystery.

A series of questions

Reply #6
its the strangest thing, when in overdrive it will go from 1st to 2nd and straight to o/d, however when put in drive it shifts through 1st 2nd and 3rd like normal.... thats definitly bad

A series of questions

Reply #7
Get a Lokar throttle cable and a CSI cable bracket.  That is what I am using on my 83 with a 351.  You can bolt in an SN95 GT Mustang rear end and it will fit under the car just fine and give you the five bolt pattern and loose the width of the Lincoln rear.  Wheel selection will be much better as well. Not much help on the auto's as I am a manual guy.


83 351W TKO'd T-Bird on the bottle

93 331 Mustang Coupe - 368 rwhp

A series of questions

Reply #8
yeah i figured out that its so close geared it only sounds like it has 3 gears... so t5 swap it is, if im tearing the motor out i might as well back it with something interesting lol


A series of questions

Reply #9
its not uncommon for the 3.8L to "quickly" roll into OD if OD is selected... especially if your on level ground.  this is based on my experience with 2) 3.8L factory setup's.

it can be manipulated by adjusting the set screw on the shifter rod that goes down to the transmission, not the motor controller.  I know, this i moot.

The shifter rod will have a  hom to connect to on the Holley 4barrel, thats what i did and it worked with the old 3.8L aod.  not sure on eldebrock carb though.