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Topic: It was a good day.. (Read 1332 times) previous topic - next topic

It was a good day..

Till I came home, and saw my garage door had been pushed in, with a hand-sized smear of red paint about elbow high.

There's a couple people I know with red trucks...neither of whom have any business here. I'll be doing some recon here shortly to see if either of those vehicles have a spot of white paint on them.

The deputy has been here and wrote a report, took pics, etc.

We'll see what pans out...
'98 Explorer 5.0
'20 Malibu (I know, Chevy, but, 35MPG. Let's go brandon, eh)

It was a good day..

Reply #2
That sucks. Anything missing?

1994 Lincoln Mark VIII

It was a good day..

Reply #3
When I lived in the hood I cam home to find a 4-foot high "G-UNIT" graffiti on my garage door. I never did find out who did it, but I am leaning toward Fiddy Cent
CoogarXR : 1985 Cougar XR-7

It was a good day..

Reply #4
What the hell is up with that?  Who would pull in or back in your drive and hit your door, that sucks.

Piss anyone off lately?

It was a good day..

Reply #5
Nahh, nothin missing, just the door pushed in and busted up.

I thought the father in law may have had something to do with it, as he is such a stellar person, has had some issues with me over him leaving my wife's mother for a 20 year old girl (he's 50-something..), and he does own a red truck...

Not so sure that it was him, now, however.

Oh well, doors can be fixed. Still  me off though..
'98 Explorer 5.0
'20 Malibu (I know, Chevy, but, 35MPG. Let's go brandon, eh)

It was a good day..

Reply #6
Might want to invest in a simple camera system, at the shop i work at our metal bin would just empty itself about twice a month and when i checked the security system i found about a years worth of some crackheads coming out of the woods behind the shop and taking as much as they can and going back out thru those woods and i took a quick romp thru the woods where they came from and found a bread trail of bumper's and sheet metal that lead straight into the back yard of a mobile home where i saw a hood that i took of a truck about a month before laying up against the trailer and i told my boss about it and man i can't tell you the way the thief's ran from the cops was something that bill murray could have cooked up, about a week ago they got all of them and they lead us to a junk yard where they where selling the stuff and i mean i saw stuff that i had taken off cars when i started here about a year ago, it was amazing!

But back to your situation if you don't have the time or patience for cameras you can always tie a couple of paint can's to some strings and have it rigged up to where when you open it it'll release the paint cans and give'em on heck of a scare! or a simple trap door will suffice.
1987 Thunderbird Sport (soon to be GT edition) - In shop getting new paint job and interior work. (put on hold as of 11/2/2010, Resumed and going at it slowly its hard to be poor nowadays...)


It was a good day..

Reply #7
Well, I have a nice little theft/burglary/vandalism deterrent system, 4 actually, but I've gotta be here to aim them at the perps...

I want something that will actually stop a crime in the process, make the bad guy(s) think, and perhaps make them change their life, instead of something that will just let me know who broke into and/or stole my shiznit.

I've had wheels stolen, tackle boxes and rod n reels, and a few cds even. All from unlocked or unsecured places.

I've even though about electrifying the metal on my shed, so that when a trespasser touched it, it would ground through them, and learn 'em not to mess with stuff.
Of course, then they'd sue me because I tried to harm ' laws that protect the guilty, and persecute the innocent who only wish to protect their property.
'98 Explorer 5.0
'20 Malibu (I know, Chevy, but, 35MPG. Let's go brandon, eh)