Champion Fiberglass, and the hoods they make...*Big update. Pictures 3/6/11*
Reply #76 –
Big update. Got the car in primer for the trip to Vegas, installed hood pins the day I left! This is just primer, and there will be lots of work on top of it!
BIG Thank you to Seek and my other friends who made this possible, by the way. This car would never have looked this good without their help!

Yes, I know I have to go back and redo a bunch of edges, this was strictly a "get it looking semi-decent for the roadtrip" shoot. I wasn't going to paint the bumpers originally, that's why they just got scuffed. For those that don't know, I sanded Sat - 26th, Sun - 27th, and Mon night - 28th. Prepped and painted Tues night - 1st, let it cure Wed - 2nd, and drove it to Vegas on Thursday afternoon - 3rd!