Ignition Switch, shear on install bolts? August 18, 2010, 06:20:33 AM I'm still alive, still have my 85. long time owner, bird's been mostly good for a while...Anyway, a few times on Start I've had the engine light off no issue, but on release the Radio and (base cluster) Fuel and Water gauges have no power (cold/empty). Wiggle the key cyl slightly and those power up. I'm calling that a Bad Ignition switch. $10 later, couple minutes and and I've got the panels off staring up at what appears to be 2 headless pot-metal bolts. :mad: thanks ford :beatyoass: love your anti-theft :punchballs:What I've got to work with is like a panhead with a pin sticking up out of it. What's the best way to get these out? Once out does anybody remember the size/pitch hardware I need?I was thinking vice-grips, or dremel then flatblade, or worst case drill&tap. I'd rather not hold out on the Ford Fairy to burn her to the ground as I quite like my bird. Quote Selected
Ignition Switch, shear on install bolts? Reply #1 – August 18, 2010, 06:25:36 AM Dremel and flat blade would be my first attempt. If that didn't work then the vice grips. Then the drill/tap. Maybe you'll get lucky and they will come out easy with the flat blade and you can just rescrew them back in and not have to buy new hardware. And once it's all back together hope that it wasn't the key and tumbler... :)Good luck! Quote Selected
Ignition Switch, shear on install bolts? Reply #2 – August 18, 2010, 06:27:13 AM Quote from: blu84302;332416Dremel and flat blade would be my first attempt. If that didn't work then the vice grips. Then the drill/tap. Good luck!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^This :D Quote Selected
Ignition Switch, shear on install bolts? Reply #3 – August 18, 2010, 07:06:25 AM Vise grips worked for me. Quote Selected
Ignition Switch, shear on install bolts? Reply #4 – August 18, 2010, 04:41:55 PM the ones I have played with have been held in with a "tamper proof torx" bought a bit set of them from napa for like 10 bux Quote Selected
Ignition Switch, shear on install bolts? Reply #5 – August 18, 2010, 06:02:22 PM Quote from: BogusSVO;332483the ones I have played with have been held in with a "tamper proof torx" bought a bit set of them from napa for like 10 buxMe too. Those are easy. Quote Selected
Ignition Switch, shear on install bolts? Reply #6 – August 19, 2010, 04:00:33 AM Yeah, I WISH it'd been security torx! got several sets of all the security apex bits.My good pair of vice grips followed me home, switch swapped out, old shear screws back in. Wow, the ignition switch is actually crisp between detents now! Quote Selected