83 TC parts
First up are the fog lights with covers. Not in the best of shape, hence the cheap price of $25 + shipping
Drivers side clear bumper light. Not an easy item to find. I may have a line on some more. I'll know by Tuesday. I'm asking $30 + shipping.
Ribbed window trim attached to back edge of doors. Drivers and passengers side. I'll also throw in the one piece that was attached to the body on the passengers side. Only passengers side, drivers side was already missing. Asking $30 + shipping.
Very nice black/charcoal dashpad. I took photos of the only two blemishes on the entire pad. One is so small it didn't even show up. IMHO, the other spot should come off with a little elbow grease.
I would imagine shipping won't be the cheapest. Make me an offer on this one.
I'm not to up on the early TC parts, so if you think I'm out of line on my prices, shoot me an offer. I need this stuff gone.