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Topic: Anybody got any stock springs (Read 275 times) previous topic - next topic

Anybody got any stock springs

Yeah im looking for some stock springs off an 85 For thunderbird. Anyone for any laying aroud?:burnout:
:flip: FiLa BaBy~!:flip:

Anybody got any stock springs

Reply #1
front? rear? both?  I have some....
1985 TC (yet another one) Fully loaded
has 225k mile  still with the factory head gasket

84  Turbo ranger  Daily driver  ($800.00 Ebay deal)
          volvo FMIC and more getto rigging than the law should allow


Anybody got any stock springs

Reply #2
both lol. How much ru charging for theme sir
:flip: FiLa BaBy~!:flip: