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Topic: My Night (Read 1457 times) previous topic - next topic

My Night

Heh, heres the story of my night. Started out at about 6:30 to go to the "Downriver Democratic Teen Organazation" meeting. I was driving my g/f and a friend. Well as soon as got to the end of the block i smelt the dreaded burning smell that came when i accidentally fried my console.

Got scared, pulled over and couldnt find anything wrong, decided it was from a passing car and left. Id been having problems lately with my  linkage to my transmition, not to bad, hadda shift a little lower than normal, figured it could wait till its next shop visit (im slowly learning about cars, but havnt done engine/tranny work myself yet).

Well, we got all the way to the friends house with no problem, but after pulling into his driveway, i discover that my car will not park. Hmmn odd, Figuring it was still just a little off we continued to drive.

This was a verry important meeting and i figured we could make it there and back withou major damage. We stopped to buy pizza and i satyed in the car, foot on the brake till they came out. Reversed out fine, But i couldnt get into drive. Everyone around me was getting mad, i couldnt move tho.

Eventually i found if i held the shifter all the way down to the bottom i was in drive. So i made it back to the meeting, and "parked" it by putting on the parking break in the parking lot.

I ended up getting picked up by my mom to go home and leaving the car there to get towed tomorow to get fixed. The place iv been going to has mest up my linkage 2wice and has overcharged, so im going to a different place tomorow. Hopefully i can get this better. I Love my cougar for the piece of  it is sometimes  :rolleyes:

Re: My Night

Reply #1
88 coug... i had noexaust.. hit a bad spot in a driveway.. my exaust crossover broke.. went up and destroyed my linkage.. i just riged it to work for a while.. Just got it out the shop today.. $85


Re: My Night

Reply #2
Quote from: matttherat
I Love my cougar for the piece of  it is sometimes  :rolleyes:

I have to agree with ya on that one, I ain't even driven my cougar yet, but I still love it.
'86 cougar gone to the big yard.
'86&'88 Jeep Comanches.