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Topic: Quick IAC question... I think. (Read 2558 times) previous topic - next topic

Re: Quick IAC question... I think.

Reply #15
Heh.. second one in two days talking about the colored vacuum tubing. More power to ya if ya get some.. I'm just glad I found an assortment, and even gladder that it was close to the color I had painted much of the top of the engine.

One thing I noticed about it: The outside diameter of the tubing is a bit smaller than the lines it replaces. Tried to reuse the old hose clamps, they would not stay on. That's something I might need to pick up one of these days.. but I figure, a couple of the lines were really difficult to get on there, (like 6mm on a 10mm connection) so they should be difficult to pull off accidentally. If I get really bothered by it, I have some of the screwdriver-tightened types laying around that I could use on the larger lines, I suppose.