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Topic: ran 10.75@ 128.35 having to feather it (Read 1578 times) previous topic - next topic

ran 10.75@ 128.35 having to feather it

ive got the control arms coming from Chuck W at che and ive got the proper airbag coming the mustang bag was to short, we were worndering why it didnt change a thing so hopefully the car will o 10.50s, but who know till it actually hooks up, if we tried to launch it we could only run 11.0 lol so i told my buddy to feather it coming off to reduce wheel spin and it worked, so ill keep you guys up to date the horsepower is there looking at the 128 plus mph so there is no reason it shouldant run 10.50 what do you guys think??

let me know

ran 10.75@ 128.35 having to feather it

Reply #1
you've been ripping it up nice lately rob! keep it up!

ran 10.75@ 128.35 having to feather it

Reply #2
what do you have?


ran 10.75@ 128.35 having to feather it

Reply #3
1986 tbird full weight car with airconditioning and all the crazy
ive got afr 165 heads stock with better springs, performer intake, trickflowstage 2 cam and a vortech 10psi kit with a powerpipe and waterinjection tuned by me useing the sct software
