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Topic: DHL SUCKS!!! (rant alert!) (Read 733 times) previous topic - next topic

DHL SUCKS!!! (rant alert!)

OK, I'm posting this partially to vent, and partially as a warning to those trying to save a few bucks on shipping (due to the increase in fuel surcharges).

I recently opened a DHL account as their rates were much lower when compared to UPS - especially for shipping heavy items over long distances - like wheels. I opened my account, but the wheels didn't sell as soon as I expected. In the meantime, I double ordered an item & had to return one of them unopened. It was a small box of Earls fuel line fittings and was in fine shape so I relabeled it and sent it off using my new DHL account. More on this later...

Now the wheels finally sold, so I carefully sandwiched each of them in bubble wrap and completely encased them in plastic wrap. They were skinnies so they weren't that bulky - they were clean and easy to handle all wrapped in plastic. I attached the plastic shipping pockets, stuffed the paperwork inside and brought them to the "authorized" DHL shipper in my area. Well, this ain't no UPS Store - my first surprise was the charge of $1 per package dropped off. So much for the big savings with DHL :( So, I sent them off and we (my customer and me) watched as one wheel tracked to his house while the other left Rhode Island but was not to be heard from again! We were bewildered - whaaa?? how can you lose a friggin' wheel? How can you lose 1 wheel and not the other? Poor customer was stuck with one wheel. DHL never once followed up with me or my customer without us having to call them. I ended up filing a claim - we'll see how that turns out - I'm not optimistic :punchballs: So that was a disaster.

OK, so last night I'm looking over my bank transactions for the past month and I saw both of the charges for the fuel fittings. Then I looked for a credit for the one I returned. Hmmmm, better check into that - so I sent off an email to the fellow who gave me the RGA for the return. I ended up calling him today and he asked a few questions and he was like "yep, DHL package?", "yep", "yeah, I couldn't identify that one as it has no markings on it - it looks like it sat in a puddle for a month". What? I said "yeah, I had another issue with DHL recently", he says "yeah, they're rough (with the packages)".

OK, that's all I needed to hear. I'll never, EVER use DHL again. 0 - 2!!! What a bunch of losers. So, once again, the old axiom fits - you get what you pay for. As much as UPS irritates me, they've never lost a package and they were easy to communicate with and paid full damages when they damaged my first KB charger (and it was 99% the fault of the guy who shipped it to me).

Lesson learned. :punchballs:
11.96 @ 118 MPH old 306 KB; 428W coming soon.

DHL SUCKS!!! (rant alert!)

Reply #1
The only thing I've ever received through DHL was a shifter for my other car.  Thankfully it was a solid chunk of metal or otherwise it might've been ruined.  The package it came in looked like HELL.

DHL SUCKS!!! (rant alert!)

Reply #2
Yo, dw43935 glad I used fedex to ship your rims!!!  Right. 

I have had issues with DHL... but it was basically the driver was a dick.  Dropped the package at the end of the driveway becasuse I was out mowing the lawn.  Would not bring it to the door.  He said "you can get it from here".  It only weighed 23 lbs!  Told him it was not my job... he shrugged, made a smart remark, did a U turn in the driveway, and romped on it as he drove away.  I waved with the middle finger as he drove off.

DHL SUCKS!!! (rant alert!)

Reply #3
The packages(usually electronic items) I've received through DHL, have been in far better condition than most of the ones from UPS... No complaints here...

DHL SUCKS!!! (rant alert!)

Reply #4
Never had a problem with them , but alas i believe DHL is going bankrupt.


DHL SUCKS!!! (rant alert!)

Reply #5
the company i work for ships hundreds of packages a day. we used to be with fedex but a problem with the guy that picked up the packages caused us to stop using them. we then figured we would give DHL a try. we sent a couple of test packages and they were fine. a few tries later, sometimes the overnight packages would go 2 day. on one package from NY to NJ (one coming to us), it literally sat on the delivery truck for 1 week. it wasnt until i called customer service and complained for over 1 hour that the driver finally brought it. on our first major shipment, 99% of the labels didnt print correctly. letters were missing from the address, sometimes the numbers wouldnt show up either. so we called the tech support and they said it was our printer and there was nothing they could do. now i didnt believe it was the printer because first, we never had a problem with it before or after, only when using their software.
i called the sales rep, told him that there were too many problems wiht the deliveries and now the customer service was not helping and we were closing our account.

we switched over to UPS and never had a single issue. since we ship so much they switched us to preferred status where we have a special number to call for help. they treat us like royalty, which made my job much easier. no holding waiting for a rep, they would just pick up. they would follow up. one time we needed something delivered earlier then we put on the label, and they literally called the ups driver and told him to deliver it by the specific time we asked. then they called back 2 minutes after it was delivered and told us it was delivered. (i am sure we had to pay for the early am delivery, but still they took great care with us)
we had a package go missing, they called us and told us they lost it. we didnt even have to wait for the customer to tell us. this made me look good as we were able to contact the customer and tell him it was lost during delivery but another one has already been shipped.

we have been using ups for years now and have never looked back

one funny note, the same DHL rep came into the office about a year ago, and asked for the manager, the receptionist called me up because we had someone come in, and he saw me and literally said, "oh its you. i guess you arent going to switch back to us". then i responded with no, and he turned and left.

i know this sounds like a UPS commercial, but they have been outstanding with us