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Topic: What R U doing during these record gas prices? (Read 6936 times) previous topic - next topic

What R U doing during these record gas prices?

Reply #60
The US alone drove 11Billion miles less last month than they did a year ago. The same for Canadians, but not nearly as drastic of a change. This is the only change that will really make a difference in oil prices.

What R U doing during these record gas prices?

Reply #61
dont worry, SEMA will take care of the aftermarket industry.  They have very strong pull. 

The global warming hoax is killing this planet.  Did you guys know the production of a prius makes so much more carbon dioxide that you would need to drive a regular econobox 100,000 miles just to even it up?  We're stuck under severe disinformation and marketing ploys right now.  I'm all for helping the environment folks, but national governments are destroying the world economy.  Think 4 bux a gallon is bad?  we'll see 5 this summer, and most likely 8 by next summer from all the predictions ive read.  Its time to buckle down and kick the EPA out of the way.

What R U doing during these record gas prices?

Reply #62
So the Prius, the global warming hoax and the governments/EPA are responsible for the FREE MARKET bidding up oil prices?

What planet do you live on?
11.96 @ 118 MPH old 306 KB; 428W coming soon.

What R U doing during these record gas prices?

Reply #63
a consumer driven planet.  Im sorry if I implied that any of those things are responsible for oil prices, they are not.  Oil has become the "new gold" for the market.  If there is a sure fire way to make money in the market, people are gonna take it no matter what it does to everyone else.  OPEC has a strangle hold on production and they're sitting fat right now.  The EPA prevents us from starting our own production which empowers OPEC.  If it weren't for this noose around our necks, the free market wouldnt keep pumping the oil prices.  But still thats only a small part of the problem.  I cant remember the exact breakdown per gallon of gas, but I believe the federal government gets around 14 times what the oil companies do.  So when you have a small problem on resource pricing, Everyone that takes a percentage increases the damage to the consumer at an exponential rate.  Thats why we're looking at the probability of seeing not just a $1 jump in one year, but a $4 jump in a year next.

What R U doing during these record gas prices?

Reply #64
Here is the price of gasoline in California - the most taxed gasoline as far as I know - when the ignorant ****ing moron took office:

Here are California prices today - notice that 94% of the increase is due to crude oil prices.[/u]

State and local get their cut, but the oil companies are still setting record profits for all time for any corporation in any business ever in the history of the world. Don't try to make this something it isn't.
11.96 @ 118 MPH old 306 KB; 428W coming soon.

What R U doing during these record gas prices?

Reply #65
How much fuel does it take for a ship to deliver all of those foreign cars?
1987 TC

What R U doing during these record gas prices?

Reply #66
Quote from: Cougar5.0;223380
Yep, make the right gamble on a future energy technology and you'll have fuel for life!!

There are literally dozens of emerging technology companies vying for a stake in the now lucrative market (gasoline prices have passed the magical threshold where alternatives will be less expensive in high volume.) Funny thing is, the oil companies buy what they think are the most promising and will still be players in the market going forward.

One really promising source is algae. They can make Ethanol and recently a green fuel with properties identical to gasoline, (no new technology means cheaper cars, right?).

Take the CO2=GW part with a grain of salt, but at 1:13 the mountain scene is Lake Moraine, near Lake Louise in Alberta. It used to be on the back of the Canadian $20. A pic from about seven years ago.

Oil just made enemies out of the entire world. Corn is making them just as fast, though. :hick: Brazil gets along great with their Sugar cane Ethanol. PEI is talking about using Sugar Beets now, which might not be bad, since there likely won't be any deforestation, even if there is still farming involved.

What R U doing during these record gas prices?

Reply #67
In the end I'm blaming the media, not the president, mass hysteria from the media has help drive the dollar into the ground, your charts are kinda worthless unless they're cross referenced to dollar value.

Ever seen the acetylene dual fuels they came out with?  They've run the system on just about any type of engine and they out preform gasoline's efficiency by like 70%.

But personally i dont think alternative fuels are the way to go yet.  Obviously solar is best but not a full answer.  Electric cars would be perfect if we could line the grid with nuclear powerhouses.  And its certainly been proven that electric cars can go fast, just not far.  I think in the end that'll be the solution.  We'll drive to work and dock with recharging booth parking spaces.  Maybe they'll even have a free power system that lets anyone draw power freely, but you car will log the power it has taken in and report it via satellite to an OBD-VI station that sends you a bill for usage.  If people want all this ultra eco friendly stuff, big brother will be in full effect.  Especially if our country chooses the path of socialism.

"highly pollutant nitrates"  Im not a biochemist, but plants use nitrates and a macro-nutrient... its not a pollutant... nitrites on the other hand are.  This is where I disagree with the GW thing.  It lists co2 and nitrates and a few others as global killers, but these are all the same things i buy and inject into my planted aquarium for astonishing growth.  I think as these levels rise to "dangerous levels"  we'll see a boom in plant life on the planet and everything will balance out, just like it has for millions of year.  Also why havent we banned the use of CO2 based products if its such a problem... ie... fountain soda, dry ice...

What R U doing during these record gas prices?

Reply #68
Quote from: HAVI;223538
How much fuel does it take for a ship to deliver all of those foreign cars?

im not sure if its a MOST yet, but many foreign cars are built in the states.  where as ford has a lot done in mexico via NAFTA and GM and DC have resorted to resetting the unions to cut costs.


What R U doing during these record gas prices?

Reply #69
The Unions had to be reeled in. The only thing we need to worry about is drastically reducing fuel consumption. Do that, and CO2 output will decline anyway. Everybody's happy.

If you've got a few bucks to invest, try to find something involved with the research and production of new battery technologies. We'll know we've made it when we have a battery that can stay charged for 20hrs of use. (more time driving than you would ever need before stopping for the night)