Anyone ever replace a headliner? Reply #15 – April 16, 2008, 10:42:40 AM Here is our headliner after being replaced last year. sorry about the glare !! Quote Selected
Anyone ever replace a headliner? Reply #16 – April 16, 2008, 10:43:41 AM a few more... Quote Selected
Anyone ever replace a headliner? Reply #18 – April 16, 2008, 06:31:34 PM Doesn't look to hard, Seems like the hardest/messiest part would be the removal of the old foam junk.I was going to have to give it a try myself, But i came across this beauty in the local boneyard:It came out of an '83 of all things... Has to have been redone or something.Bummer is, it doesn't match my interior color scheme, d'oh.Anyone ever tried a vinyl style headliner? And, How did that hold up? Quote Selected