More pictures of my Thunderbird taken 3/19/08
Reply #12 –
Sure,use the idea.Here's how I did it.FIRST,get a piece of cardboard,about 1/8 inch thick (like the aluminum I used),cut out the pattern flat.Then,on the back side of the cardboard,(I used an Exacto knife and tape),cut the cardboard about halfway through where the bends should be,then tape it where you want it so it'll hold it's shape,test fit,and modify as needed until you have it right.After the cardboard stencil works right,make it into a flat piece again,trace it onto the aluminum,and cut it out.My Dremmel did that with a cutoff wheel in short order.Once that is done,I cut the back side of the new aluminum baffle with the same cutoff wheel (about halfway through the aluminum),and gently bent the aluminum piece how I needed it.You should be able to see the cuts on the back of mine in the pics.Once the car is mostly finished,I'll add some weatherproof foam to make a really good seal,but I need a hole for the water to drain so it doesn't pool up in the scoop.I'm going to add a small hole to each baffle as far back as possible and have drain tubes running from them for a water drain.I've also stamped mine with a fake Ford part number so people will ask where I found them.LOL.