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Topic: Headlights (Read 691 times) previous topic - next topic


Can someone tell me how we adjust the H-lites on the 88 T-Bird? Older cars had the simple 2 screw adjusters. What do these have and where are they and what tool do I need? A picture would help A LOT as well.

I had the Goodyear dealer do it but I still feel they are too high. When I drive at night and someone is behind me, I see more of my shadow than I do the road. That sucks, especially with my 54 year old eyes.

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.

Larry B.


Reply #1
on both h/l's there is an upper outer and inner lower screw
with a 4mm hex on it. you can get a feel for moving these
by find a level surface at night and shining it at your garage door
or a wall. usually the upper screw will give you more up and
down than in and out. cover the other h/l with a towel to
adjust each pattern seperately. at my shop i use aimers, but
still take them down the road and set to my liking. yes there
is a wrench for this  but i think you can get a 1/4 " ratchet
and a socket in there . on my 88 XR7 there is room. by the
way my eyes are 59 years old.hope this do need a
4mm socket to do this.---irvin toms



Reply #2
THX. I'll give this a try and let you know.

Larry B.