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Topic: Bondo question (Read 3211 times) previous topic - next topic

Bondo question

i've started working on my hood again (its +20C today!!!!) and I need to know if there is anything I can put in the filler to keep it more flexible or if theres any filler that is made to go onto flexible surfaces? When I first done it a couple summers ago I tried to use as little hardener as I copuld but it still cracked in a couple places. I brazed the scoop on so there is a bit of warpage which requires a lil more filler than I like but its all I had available at the time. Also it appears that the filler didnt bond to the brass very well, do they not get along? I know it wont bond to aluminum... Thanks for any help!
1980 birds X 3, 1982 bird, 1984 XR7, 1988 TC

Re: Bondo question

Reply #1
have you tryed jb weld? its a 2 part mix. its basically metal cold weld. works wonders. and u can grind it smooth. most auto parts stores have it as well as hardware stores.
2001 Buick Regal LS (DD):hick:

Got that fox rash again!

-Resident smartass! :ies:

- Don't listen to the naysayers. For every person who actually helps with your project there will be 10 who will discourage you all the while thinking that they are helping. 99% of all people have good intentions. That doesn't make them right.- XR7 Dave - SCCOA.Com

Re: Bondo question

Reply #2
kinda thought about it but I would need a case to do the whole thing! lol theres the thickness of the metal plus a bit more all the way along the sides, i'm gona spend a while with it and try to level out the metal a bit more. Heres a pic to show the size of the seam. If I can get it purty enough I will paint the whole hood white this time (this dudes new!---> :locked: )
1980 birds X 3, 1982 bird, 1984 XR7, 1988 TC

Re: Bondo question

Reply #3
What is the scoop made of? Metal or fiber? I could see a problem with 2 dissimiliar substances and bonding them together. I'd say if the scoop were metal as i assume the hood is, i'd try getting it welded down. Then you could grind it smooth and follow up with the bondo. Though in all honesty i'm not positive bondo would be the best stuff to use. Perhaps a fiber glass body surfacing compund might be a better choice. It would also help if the scoop is fiberglass as well. I'm not exactly a body guy so don't take my words as gospel. Just figured i'd throw in my  :2c: as to what I might do in your situation.
Temporarily Foxless? Ride the Bull...

Re: Bondo question

Reply #4
Steel hood and steel scoop, brazed every 2" or so.
1980 birds X 3, 1982 bird, 1984 XR7, 1988 TC

Re: Bondo question

Reply #5
How 'bout this: .
I just did a quick search and only found the uk site with it. But i'm sure someone here in the states carries it. Either way, it's a plastic filler that's elastic and isn't supposed to crack  :dunno: .
Temporarily Foxless? Ride the Bull...

Re: Bondo question

Reply #6
Im no body man either but I would say you shouldn't have any flex.  If you do you prob. need to weld that thing along the whole seam with a wire welder (if you have access to it) grind it down til its' close then skim coat it all with the bondo. as mentioned above. (always be careful not to get the metal too hot or it will warp and or burn holes through it) Maybe I don't understand exactly what your dealing with, but I wouldn't think you should be trying to build in any room for flexing.  If you weld it all together and use your bondo to feather in the seam it should be a solid deal.  Jason.

Re: Bondo question

Reply #7
nice use of the internet nirvanagod

Re: Bondo question

Reply #8
Um, thanks?!?!
Temporarily Foxless? Ride the Bull...


Re: Bondo question

Reply #9
you should have used your everyday coathanger to weld it.  Its closer in content as what the steel is in your car with reguard to impurities and attaches better.  Its fleaxable and wont crack if you need to bend later on.  Has decent heat ranges as well. It also melts a little sooner than you'd think so turn down that heat man!
yeah, without some sort of  to adhese to the brass, bondo's not going to attach for some odd reason.  Ive heard this before and thats when the shade tree mechanics pipe up and say,  "should have used a coathanger"
ive also seen in the past where welder x thought he had brass rods when in fact they were bronze.

same applies to exhaust systems for plain jane pipes.

for your current prolblem, i say screw the bondo and lay a whole long bandaid of fiberglass sheeting along the seems.