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Topic: i'm bored so.... (Read 1013 times) previous topic - next topic

i'm bored so....

I made me some WWW's! :cool: but only on one side, i'm bored but i'm still lazy :p I couldnt find a zip-cut so I had to use a grinding disk or else I would've went right to the rim. In the process I also noticed a few flat spots on my rear tires, guess I should quit sliding around and doing donuts on the gravel thats left on the roads from winter :rolleyes: that may explain why my rear hubcaps slowly seperate from the rims at speeds over 120km/h :dunno: I just keep the tire iron behind the seat to pop them back on when I get out lol
1980 birds X 3, 1982 bird, 1984 XR7, 1988 TC