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Topic: Headlight shields for a '95 Mercury Cougar XR7 (Read 918 times) previous topic - next topic

Headlight shields for a '95 Mercury Cougar XR7

I need to find a place to purchase the shields that go over the headlights.  The plastic covers that protect the bulb.  Anyway, mine broke on the passenger side, and I need to replace it, because water keeps shorting out the bulb.  So, if you could help me find somewhere to buy this, or you could even tell me what the  things are called, I'd appreciate it.


Headlight shields for a '95 Mercury Cougar XR7

Reply #1
That's usually known as the headlight lens.
It's not common to see them sold separately from the headlights, so your best bet is to just replace the entire headlight.
You can try a junkyard to save money, but new ones are usually floating around eBay.
You will find more information on your car at


Headlight shields for a '95 Mercury Cougar XR7

Reply #2
Thanks for your help.

I need, specifically, the right corner lens.  I think I found one on ebay for $20 + $15 S&H.  We'll see if that does the trick.