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Topic: For Sale : 89 Plymouth Sundance (Read 1138 times) previous topic - next topic

For Sale : 89 Plymouth Sundance

I'm selling my former car (one i got b4 i got the t-bird) which is a 1989 Plymouth Sundance RS 4 door hatchback. I've been trying to sell it locally too no avail (got bites, no takers tho  :confused: ) It's in reasonbly good shape for the year, but is best described as an A to B car. Right now it needs a ler and possibly a windsheild (nice crack halfway across in line of sight). I've had it for nearly 3 years and have sunk way to much money into it (prolly around 2 g's). I'm only looking to get $400 outta it so if you or anyone you know needs a winter beater or even a foundation for a racer (think mopar, plenty of aftermaket parts for this engine, i just found out recently) Drop me a PM or just post here. Car will be for sale again (one more time  :mad: ) locally come monday 10/25.
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