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Topic: Capital One Blows! (Read 2763 times) previous topic - next topic

Capital One Blows!

Reply #15
Quote from: Romeo2k;251522

I noticed in our online statements, it showed a "PMT Reversal" on a mortgage transaction, we have never seen that money again... where did it go???
Is there something in common between these companies going on here? what the heck...

i had that happen with a bank of america mortgage i had in 2001 when i sent in a payment that was short because i wrote it wrong on the check, but they sent the check back to me and the money was never drafted, so it was still there in the bank

OOOH!!!  I'm a Eco Hypermiler :burnout: Not bad for 79mph on the interstate 2hours a day

Capital One Blows!

Reply #16
It isn't just Chase. When I bought my S-197 I got tired of waiting for my payment book to show up so I went to the Credit Union and made the first payment in person. It "should have been" one month early, based on the date of the first payment in the book when it finally arrived. So about a week and a half later I get a nastygram in the mail saying my payment is late.

Naturally I called them to ask WTF. They told me
1) I hadn't made my payment and
2) despite the date shown on the first coupon in the book, my first payment was actually due the month before.

I assured the woman I had made the payment for the full amount several days before the due date (a month early) The due date is the 2nd of the month. I made my payment on the 28th prior to. So after about 15 minutes she tells me I made the payment, but for the wrong amount.

Thankfully I saved the receipt the teller gave me, and I proceeded to read ALL of the info to the woman on the phone. finally, FINALLY she agreed I had indeed made my payment, in full, and on time.

Since then I have made every payment IN PERSON, and have saved all the receipts, numbering each, AND writing it all down on the stub in the book.
5 Mopars, an S-197, and the Turbo Twinkie[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]

Capital One Blows!

Reply #17
January 20th.......
Still waiting for italOne to process the info I faxed over via their "Payment Investigation" department.  According to them, It's been 4 BUSINESS days.... the process takes 5 to 7.... I faxed the info around 11 AM EST on 1/13/2009.

If this isn't rectified by Friday, I'm seeking legal counsel.
-- 05 Mustang GT-Whipplecharged !!
--87 5.0 Trick Flow Heads & Intake - Custom Cam - Many other goodies...3100Lbs...Low12's!

Capital One Blows!

Reply #18
Still waiting for italOne

italOne...:mullet: j/k sorry to hear the messed up situation man, had a similiar one with my bank, took a month to resolve.

1994 Lincoln Mark VIII

Capital One Blows!

Reply #19
I just contacted "Help Me Howard" ( via e-mail and sent him this:

I have a personal loan account through Capital One.  On January 13th I received a phone call from the Capital One payment office stating that they had not received my loan payment. Considering I dropped the check off in person to the local branch on January 2nd; 11 days prior; I found this disturbing.  I call MY bank that I wrote the check from. It cleared January 6th.

I went to my bank and obtained a printout of my account activity and a copy of the cashed check and faxed it to Capital One's "Payment Investigation" division.  This was completed on January 13th.  I was told by a "supervisor" named "Marcus" that the Payment Investigation Division received my faxed check and checking account activity and began to process it on January 15th.

Also it should be noted, up until that point Capital One had not sent me a bill since SEPTEMBER and I have paid them every month....

What's more is that they changed the account number in NOVEMBER!!!!! I found that out only because of all the phone calls I've made trying to rectify this.  I paid the next month's payment on January 26th as I've been told to due by more than one "account manager" I've spoken with.  When I ask to speak with someone in the Payment Investigation division, I am told that is not possible.

According to one of their phone representatives it's possible that since I wrote the old account number on the check it will take longer to process, but this is unacceptable. Every time I call, about two times a week, I'm told it will take five more days.  The last person I was in contact with named Samantha stated that there was a THIRTY to SIXTY day backlog on this and that it was an ongoing issue with NUMEROUS customers due to Capital One's arbitrarily changing account numbers...

To top this all off, their collection center calls daily as they cannot -- for SOME reason -- view this info that I confirm every time I speak with an account manager.

Other people I’ve spoken with are in the same boat.  Our credit is at the mercy of inept business practices.

The general business phone number for Capital One is:  1-800-926-1000

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Paul Flockhart

I've held off on an attorney because I am looking into small claims court first...

Wish me luck.
-- 05 Mustang GT-Whipplecharged !!
--87 5.0 Trick Flow Heads & Intake - Custom Cam - Many other goodies...3100Lbs...Low12's!

Capital One Blows!

Reply #20
i know mine not capital one  but i got  LETTER  in the mail today from visa fraud control department. saying my card  number was among those found stolen during an investigation of a compromised retail merchant. in order to protect your account we have issued you a new card..
so today i went to my bank. to see what the:confused: ?.
my bank said ,yes we did send a new card as per VISA and we want your old card back.
at first i was upset becuse i got the letter on a saturday.but the drive-thru lady was happy to help. so now i'm happy with visa:D . got to love local bank for service that no  out of state bank can give!!!!!
remember it easier to fix them, than to find them after they been crushed.

V6 = juvenile delinquency!

Capital One Blows!

Reply #21
Today I decided to check the status of my account and to my surprise.....

-- 05 Mustang GT-Whipplecharged !!
--87 5.0 Trick Flow Heads & Intake - Custom Cam - Many other goodies...3100Lbs...Low12's!

Capital One Blows!

Reply #22
So I skimmed this thread over and was reading the horror stories and got that sick feeling in my stomach because I have a chase credit card, and have not received a statement in the mail since July 08.
    But the last I knew I had a balance of 0 on the account, so I called and not even 5 minutes on the phone had a confirmation that I still owed 0 and that they don't send out statements unless you owe something.  So thanks for getting me all riled up and excited. I was ready for bad news. What a pleasant surprise.


Capital One Blows!

Reply #23
Anybody here have a national cit........ I mean PNC bank account? They just screwed me out of 36 dollars for an overdraft fee that passed the same day as the credit on my account.

National city/PNC webpage