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Topic: WHOA, something went my way this week! (Read 1266 times) previous topic - next topic

WHOA, something went my way this week!

I've had a miserable week and thought I had hit the super low point last night...

Saturday started the 28" snow storm and I had a nasty stomach virus that stopped me from eating from Sat. till Tuesday. So I took Wed. off work as well to give myself an extra day to get back to normal.

So last night I move all the cars around so the driveway can be plowed after the like 6-8 more inches of snow we got yesterday. We get it plowed, put all the cars back and all's well. Then somebody called and needed their car jumped, so I go to move my car, and end up really stuck in a snow bank. So after a while I realize the pass. rear wheel isn't even visible, and the drivers one won't move either. Coupled with the weird noise I thought I blew the rear end in the car.

So today I called in to get the car to a shop and fixed. Seeing as it was so buried, I started digging and eventually found the pass. wheel. The snow was caked around it so tightly that it just wouldn't move at all.

So after 2 hours of digging and losing all feeling in my legs from the cold, I got it out and guess what, IT MOVES! The funny noise appears to have been the driveshaft protesting from all the snow it was stuck in and the car drives fine.

Definately the first good thing that's happened in a good week :)

Sorry for babbling, but you guys don't know how happy I am right now!

Re: WHOA, something went my way this week!

Reply #1
sounds like the start of an uptrend...................that's never a bad thing

Re: WHOA, something went my way this week!

Reply #2
Don't worry Crystal.  Things can't go well forever!

1987 Cougar LS 5.0

Re: WHOA, something went my way this week!

Reply #3
Yay for me!  My Mercury runs again!  This time with all-green antifreeze!  However, I did manage to blow out a tire, break the driver's outside door handle and smash the corner of the doorskin in doing so.


Re: WHOA, something went my way this week!

Reply #4
See, good things happen to good people.  :) ..... :wtf: That is assuming you're not a complete bitch IRL.

Anyway, huzzah for good stuff happening. :grinno:

I had some good luck and some bad luck last night. Somehow the gate got open while I was at work, and Buffy (our German Shepherd) ran away. I was flippin out. She's a closer friend than most and I nearly took a shiznit fit on Ange for not securing the gate. Anyway, turns out that $55 it costs to get tags is worth every penny. She ended up at the pound. I would have paid $5,500 to get her back. Someone found her on 91st and 23rd. To put that in perspective, this is one of the busier intersections in the city, with two devided double lanes. People fly around there too. She's so oblivious to cars, she could have just stepped out and crossed the street like nothing.

That was a nice hour of pure panic.