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Topic: 88TC just sold for $7101 (Read 2789 times) previous topic - next topic

88TC just sold for $7101

Reply #15
Uh-oh, I hope they wait to start going up in value until I can buy a couple more of them!

I really don't think the value of Thunderbirds & Cougars will go up much for quite some time though. Mustangs will always be more popular, and I see a lot of nice 5.0 Mustangs around here sell in the $4000-6500 range. I just hope Thunderbirds don't get to quite that point, I'd like them to stay affordable.

Garrett H.
'94 F250 XLT- 4x4, 5 speed, 7.3 IDI Turbo Diesel, 4" intake, 4" exhaust, 5" turnout stacks, manual hubs, etc.
'87 Thunderbird Turbo Coupe
Engine, wheels, tires, etc!
Exhaust sound clip
Another clip

88TC just sold for $7101

Reply #16
Seems like a very fair price to me.

Those '80s shiznitbox Monte Carlo SS's always sucked and were poorly built.  Yet they go for big money.

This one's in basically the same shape, similar miles, and they have a BiN price of nearly $12K.  Never understood the "draw" with these cars, at least compared to the Tbirds.
1984 Thunderbird V8

88TC just sold for $7101

Reply #17
YES YES for some reason everyone LOVES those! the 80s two door regals and grand prix's and montes and cutlasses etc. i think theyre riding the coattails of the Grand National and GNX. so the turbo regal T-types follow and then everyone loves anything that looks like that (so all of those GM "g-boides" i think theyre called??? corect me if im wrong!)
i have to admit though i do have a little bit of a soft spot for those. it sure looks out dated when compared to our cars, especially 87-88 but i cant help but like em,:beatyoass: i know im gonna get banned for saying that lol
and furthermore, especially with t-tops. they just look killer. theres an idea!!! they should have made t tops on some of our cars.
t-tops FTW.
but i do agree with the statement that the 'stangs will be more popular. its a given. the foxbody mustang is just classic. theres no beatin' around the bush it just is!
1987 20th Anniversary Cougar, 302 "5.0" GT-40 heads (F3ZE '93 Cobra) and TMoss Ported H.O. intake, H.O. camshaft
2.5" Duals, no cats, Flowmaster 40s, Richmond 3.73s w/ Trac-Lok, maxed out Baumann shift kit, 3000 RPM Dirty Dog non-lock TC
Aside from the Mustang crinkle headers, still looks like it's only 150 HP...
1988 Black XR7 Trick Flow top end, Tremec 3550
1988 Black XR7 Procharger P600B intercooled, Edelbrock Performer non-RPM heads, GT40 intake AOD, 13 PSI @5000 RPM. 93 octane

88TC just sold for $7101

Reply #18
Yeah I never understood all the whoop-de-do over Monte Carlo SS's either. I think it's just the name. Really, I routinely see those sell for $4000-6000, and for that you get what? A warmed-over Monte Carlo with an "aero" nose, 16" wheels and that "hot" 305 (I never understood how they could put a Corvette cam into a 305 and still end up with only 180 hp). You have to swap in a 350 just to make them fast, at least on the V8 Thunderbird you really only need an HO conversion, and the Turbo Coupe comes with more horsepower stock which is pretty funny.

I have sort of a soft spot for G-bodies, I'll admit...though, it seems like it's hard to find them in good shape anymore.

Garrett H.
'94 F250 XLT- 4x4, 5 speed, 7.3 IDI Turbo Diesel, 4" intake, 4" exhaust, 5" turnout stacks, manual hubs, etc.
'87 Thunderbird Turbo Coupe
Engine, wheels, tires, etc!
Exhaust sound clip
Another clip

88TC just sold for $7101

Reply #19
Quote from: Vantage08;126380
a rare 1988 3.8 TURBO t-bird( VERY LIMITED) sold for around 20 K a few years back on ebay.

thought i hear that Ford thought about doing this but was pushed off and the SC was produced in its place
1986 Cougar LS

88TC just sold for $7101

Reply #20
Quote from: Red_LX;126434
though, it seems like it's hard to find them in good shape anymore.

haha yup i see plenty of them BEAT into the ground.
1987 20th Anniversary Cougar, 302 "5.0" GT-40 heads (F3ZE '93 Cobra) and TMoss Ported H.O. intake, H.O. camshaft
2.5" Duals, no cats, Flowmaster 40s, Richmond 3.73s w/ Trac-Lok, maxed out Baumann shift kit, 3000 RPM Dirty Dog non-lock TC
Aside from the Mustang crinkle headers, still looks like it's only 150 HP...
1988 Black XR7 Trick Flow top end, Tremec 3550
1988 Black XR7 Procharger P600B intercooled, Edelbrock Performer non-RPM heads, GT40 intake AOD, 13 PSI @5000 RPM. 93 octane

88TC just sold for $7101

Reply #21
I have the articles from 87 and 88. Apparently Ford installed some 3.8SC motors into some 88 TBirds and gave 2-3 of them to the Michigan State Patrol for "Testing". I really have to dig my giant article collection up soon huh?

88TC just sold for $7101

Reply #22
Quote from: cougar86_89;126442
thought i hear that Ford thought about doing this but was pushed off and the SC was produced in its place

Yes, Ford was considering a twin turbo 3.8 for the '87 TC. They were considering it back in 1983 - I have the Car and Driver magazine snippet about it somewhere and a pic of the prototype on my website (though it only looks like a regular 83 TC with the FMS body kit). The engine never saw production, though - instead the TC got the SVO Mustang version of the 2.3 to tide it over until the SC showed up in '89.

When you think about it the 87-88 T-Birds and Cougars were really an anomaly - a completely redesigned body that shares absolutely no sheet metal with the 83-86 save for the hood, and I think even that has a slight difference - a very slight crease in the center front edge to better mate with the new pointy nose. This means all new body tooling for what was essentially a stopgap update to keep the car "fresh" until the delayed MN12 platform was ready.

Quote from: Aerobird Motorsports;126468
I have the articles from 87 and 88. Apparently Ford installed some 3.8SC motors into some 88 TBirds and gave 2-3 of them to the Michigan State Patrol for "Testing". I really have to dig my giant article collection up soon huh?

I would not be surprised if some were built and were even driven on public roads, but I'd bet that every one of 'em were returned to Ford after the testing period. Wouldn't be much of a test if Ford never got to see the results. And we all know what happens to prototypes, especially "test mules" - they were probably crushed and recycled into ashtrays. Besides, those would be SC engines, which we all know existed. A turbocharged 3.8 T-Bird or two may have existed too, but they would never have been sold to the public.

I fully believe that if an 87-88 SC (or turbocharged 3.8-powered TC), made exactly like the 87-88 TC including the PRC and ABS,  except with a supercharged or turbocharged V6 instead of the turbo 4, these cars would have enjoyed the same "legendary" status as the GN. Similarly, had the V8 'Birds and Cougars been offered with the HO V8 we'd still be laughing at the "HO" 305 powered Monte Carlo. Ford would never have allowed a lowly T-Bird to steal the Mustang's thunder though, so the 3.8SC engine was delayed until a suitable 3800-pound chassis was ready for it. The HO would have to wait even longer, until 1991.
2015 Mustang GT Premium - 5.0, 6-speed, Guard Green - too much awesome for one car

1988 5.0 Thunderbird :birdsmily: SOLD SEPT 11 2010: TC front clip/hood ♣ Body & paint completed Oct 2007 ♣ 3.55 TC rear end and front brakes ♣ TC interior ♣ CHE rear control arms (adjustable lowers) ♣ 2001 Bullitt springs ♣ Energy suspension poly busings ♣ Kenne Brown subframe connectors ♣ CWE engine mounts ♣ Thundercat sequential turn signals ♣ Explorer overhead console (temp/compass display) ♣ 2.25" off-road dual exhaust ♣ T-5 transmission swap completed Jan 2009 ♣

88TC just sold for $7101

Reply #23
Heh, liking the Monte Carlo SS, I wanted one. That's the top car I was searching for when I got my license. I wanted a later 80's model in black with the maroon interior and red stripe kit and yes, the t-tops. I didn't care about a 305, that car looked awesome. Mind you the ones I pictured looked awesome, the ones I could afford looked like lawn ornaments.

The Cougar saved me though. I got a fully and I mean fully loaded car with more options than the monte could dream of in excellent shape for a fraction of the cost.

88TC just sold for $7101

Reply #24
Someone will probably use it for the 2.3T and 8.8" to go into a shiznitbox notch Mustang.  Either that or put a cabed 302 into it.

88TC just sold for $7101

Reply #25
When you think about it the 87-88 T-Birds and Cougars were really an anomaly - a completely redesigned body that shares absolutely no sheet metal with the 83-86 save for the hood, and I think even that has a slight difference - a very slight crease in the center front edge to better mate with the new pointy nose.

Hmmm....never noticed that before. I'm showing p/n E7SZ-16612-A for all hoods 1984-88. Y'all must have some reeaaaallllyyyyy good hooch up there in Nova Scotia. :flip:

Seriously, everyone, don't worry about the values of these cars. Worry more about the values of the parts. You can almost always find a new car. But you can't always get the part you need. On one hand NOS parts are emerging from hiding. On the other they're pricey...IF you can even find what you need. Prices are randomly fluctuating on eBay as well. I've seen the same part go for two vastly different prices at two different times. I guess it's all about what you're willing to pay. That's also why the FMS 140mph speedo keeps commanding $200+ US prices, even used. Hell, I'm as guilty as anyone...if y'all knew what I've paid for some parts you'd think I was absolutely as crazy as Carm. ;)

Well...I am a FOX baby.

Don't say I didn't warn you. ;)

88TC just sold for $7101

Reply #26
Almost forgot what I was originally going to say. Dammit I hate getting older.

Whether you like the G-bodies or not they will be around for many years to come. Despite the mediocre build quality they have withstood the test of time. Not as gracefully as our cars, of course. But they do enjoy a much greater aftermarket support thanks to lots of dedicated fans and even the help of GM.

In 20 years when we go to car shows, we will be as nostalgic about the G-bodies as our parents were about the '57 Chevy.

And honestly...they do have a charm about them. They are RWD American cars, with tremendous power potential, and represent what many consider to be the true end to the first muscle car era. For that fact alone we should be glad they're around.

You can dislike them all you want now...but sooner or later you'll realize they are necessary. might even start to like them. And who knows...maybe even Camaros too. ;)


88TC just sold for $7101

Reply #27
wow. yet another piece of amazing wisdom from the E-man. :bowdown: just friggin hit the nail on the head.
and i got another thing to admit. i ALREADY like the 80s camaros. i just CANT help it. i do see a lot of em around here that are beat up/lowly base models, but there are a few iroc-z's with the bodykit and that wing with the two middle supports that are in  GOOD shape and i rubberneck every time.
of course that one time i saw an 87/88 cat like cougarcruisin's go by BK while chomping on that whopper i almost jumped out of my seat. ;) so never fear, my loyalty is in the right place.
1987 20th Anniversary Cougar, 302 "5.0" GT-40 heads (F3ZE '93 Cobra) and TMoss Ported H.O. intake, H.O. camshaft
2.5" Duals, no cats, Flowmaster 40s, Richmond 3.73s w/ Trac-Lok, maxed out Baumann shift kit, 3000 RPM Dirty Dog non-lock TC
Aside from the Mustang crinkle headers, still looks like it's only 150 HP...
1988 Black XR7 Trick Flow top end, Tremec 3550
1988 Black XR7 Procharger P600B intercooled, Edelbrock Performer non-RPM heads, GT40 intake AOD, 13 PSI @5000 RPM. 93 octane