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Topic: I officialy hate Fords(or used to...) (Read 3703 times) previous topic - next topic

Re: I officialy hate Fords.

Reply #15
Quote from: t0x1k
Alright, I finally got really pissed and went out to replace the last two.

thats the spirit

Quote from: t0x1k
Jcassity, how were you able to get your engine to last past 300K miles? I rarely see cars live beyond that without extensive engine work.

I dont think it was me at all.  the 3.8 is underrated for a lot of reasons like under horse power :mad:
I just change my oil like once every month or every other month and the tranny fluid yearly weather it needs it or not.  Its really cheap maintinance.  Besides, burnt motor oil 50/50 mix with diesel makes for a good deck stain and pest repellant.
how you ask,, i dont know,, you just gotta believe that your hands working the tools have a positive effect on the engine life span.  All motors have the same chance as the next one if you learn the parts and figure out what is needed and what is not.  Besides,, its more money in your pocket in the long run.  Ive never had a car payment in my life.  My sportage was the exception but we put down 10k and the remainder was paid in 6 mos. You save on insurance as well cause in reality, these model/year cars aint worth a dime so why cover them because of a stinkng loan you got and are forced to carry full coverage by default.

I guess its something i grew up with.  I was raised where there wasnt much to be had and what you did have, you made sure to figure out how it works so when it breaks, you can repair it.  We Use a rototiller "Hahn" brand at my dads in ky still today and it was purchased in 1968.(current motor oil for it is 80w.  Cars are not cheap so we kind of think of it like this, if it aint rusted in two, then a motor or rebuild is much cheaper than all the bills that come with a new car.  My long since gone Uncle Lester drove three cars his whole life.
Packard car 30 something year
Chevy truck 50 something year
Chevy truck short bed step side 1967 till he died in 97.  Truck still runs today but i often wonder what they did about those leather bearings i made for the rods back in 95.

on a side note,,,,, sorry for busting on you

Re: I officialy hate Fords.

Reply #16
Quote from: jcassity

Besides, burnt motor oil 50/50 mix with diesel makes for a good deck stain and pest repellant.

.... you really are in West Virginia

Quote from: jcassity
Ive never had a car payment in my life. 

I've had three in my almost 55years.. a '64 Ford when I was 18(1968)

My '69 Fairlane Cobra I bought in '73(still have it)

And a '75 Granada the ex-wife got....

Since then I've owned probably 250 cars, most of which I sold..

Quote from: jcassity

but i often wonder what they did about those leather bearings i made for the rods back in 95.

Yep definatly WV.....


Re: I officialy hate Fords(or used to...)

Reply #17
jcassity you are my hero.  I have the same philosophy.  A car can last indefinitely if you fix everthing that breaks.  I think the diff. is that people that don't work on their own cars can't justify $2500 for a new engine when a newer better car they want may only cost them $5000.  and since they don't have the cash for either one they would assume just pay out the nose for the $5000 car.  Most of my reletives think I should drive my T-bird in the river and quite while Im ahead, but we will see who is laughing in 30 years when my bird is worth like $30,000.