No start! Need help ASAP!
Reply #16 –
not sure you have this figured out yet or not but might not hurt to check the ignition switch. the big square one on the bottom side of the steering column that the wires plug into. just pull the bottom cover off the steering column and you can see it.
the one in my car was bad when I got it the plastic piece the wire plug plugs into would actually pull away from the metal casing a little and cause it to loose spark. not all the things would make a connection in the box. I could tap it at first and it would fix it. after awhile it got to where I had to change it.
not sure about you but I bang my knees on the steering column all the time getting in and out of the car. you may have bumped it enough to cause it to loosen if that switch is going bad
not sure itll help but its a thought