Fox T-Bird/Cougar Forums

Computers/PCs => General Computer Forum => Topic started by: Plitochnik on June 05, 2006, 10:05:31 AM

Title: You are Not Safe!
Post by: Plitochnik on June 05, 2006, 10:05:31 AM
You surf automobile related sites...
Many spammers join your messageboard just to flout their crooked schemes...
They actually expect you to click their link and make them a nickel or two...
Thunder Chicken (http://"") eliminates them all! (http://"")

2Admin: Sorry if the message doesn't suit your forum. Kindly ask to move it to an  appropriate section. Thank you ;-)

*Edit* There, fixed :D Honestly, how stupid do these spammers think we are? If a they had a product that actually removes dangerous files and ware they wouldn't resort to spamming messageboards. Everyone knows that these "free" ware removers are actually ware themselves...
Title: You are Not Safe!
Post by: EricCoolCats on June 05, 2006, 10:31:30 AM
It doesn't suit our forum but thanks for giving us such a great target on a Monday morning! :hick:
Title: You are Not Safe!
Post by: 5.0willgo on June 05, 2006, 11:53:13 AM
Quote from: Plitochnik
I surf adult related sites...
Many files cause me to work my hard drive...
These files turn it into a 3 1/2 floppy...
 DriveCleaner helps with the rash/rug burn whatever you want to call it.

2Admin: Sorry if the message doesn't suit your forum. I'm going to go back to playing with myself. Thank you ;-)

Sorry, couldn't resist :D
Title: You are Not Safe!
Post by: Funky Cricket on June 05, 2006, 01:41:05 PM
yah.. spammers. i love em. they make my nice parts warm and fuzzy feeling.. well, more like burning and itchy.. but I gatta take what I can get.