trying to track down a new / used 83-86 pop up sunroof seal (not the same glass as the 87-88 Power Sunroof)
part number is: E1FZ61502C50A
it is a factory installed carlite sunroof not aftermarket
my seal is rock hard and won't allow me to close it completely
already tried a 79-93 mustang one and it's not correct
anyone here have a good used sunroof seal? or I'd even be interested in a whole sunroof glass if the seal is in decent shape
Maybe you’re already aware, but this is a list of vehicles that seal fits.
Check out Sunroof Express Parts. They show they have the entire sunroof for a 83-88 T-bird. Around $300
I already contacted them actually and they do have 1 on the shelf
wasn't looking to spend that much right now though