Hey Guys. I've been cleaning out my garage(preparing to sell my Cutlass) and I came across a couple of boxes of parts from my time with Thunderbirds. I took pictures. Make offers on anything that isn't priced.
$45+ shipping for the blue seat belt buckles
$20+ shipping for the gray seat belt hooks
$45 + shipping for the quad shocks, with brackets and bolts
$50 for the trunk lid
$25 for the distributor
$25 each for the front plate frames. One' a turbo coupe one, ones a standard bumper one. You'd have to tell me which one is which now, it's been a long time.
$20 for the working emissions components in the first picture. I can't remember the acronym for them.
I realize a lot of the stuff in the photo's isn't worth much, if anything. But i thought someone might want them, before the non valuable pieces get thrown out.
(http://i478.photobucket.com/albums/rr148/jpc647/20160309_171419_zpslac2s3wi.jpg) (http://s478.photobucket.com/user/jpc647/media/20160309_171419_zpslac2s3wi.jpg.html)
(http://i478.photobucket.com/albums/rr148/jpc647/20160309_171438_zps3dbkw4pg.jpg) (http://s478.photobucket.com/user/jpc647/media/20160309_171438_zps3dbkw4pg.jpg.html) (relays for the power door locks from under the passenger seat)
(http://i478.photobucket.com/albums/rr148/jpc647/20160309_171438_zps3dbkw4pg.jpg) (http://s478.photobucket.com/user/jpc647/media/20160309_171438_zps3dbkw4pg.jpg.html) random assortment of parts
(http://i478.photobucket.com/albums/rr148/jpc647/20160309_171704_zpskaz9fbcv.jpg) (http://s478.photobucket.com/user/jpc647/media/20160309_171704_zpskaz9fbcv.jpg.html)
(http://i478.photobucket.com/albums/rr148/jpc647/20160309_171747_zpsizphjb85.jpg) (http://s478.photobucket.com/user/jpc647/media/20160309_171747_zpsizphjb85.jpg.html)
(http://i478.photobucket.com/albums/rr148/jpc647/20160309_172015_zpsgwch40kh.jpg) (http://s478.photobucket.com/user/jpc647/media/20160309_172015_zpsgwch40kh.jpg.html)
(http://i478.photobucket.com/albums/rr148/jpc647/20160309_173138_zpshilk4fcf.jpg) (http://s478.photobucket.com/user/jpc647/media/20160309_173138_zpshilk4fcf.jpg.html)
(http://i478.photobucket.com/albums/rr148/jpc647/20160309_171536_zpsyqkx5esv.jpg) (http://s478.photobucket.com/user/jpc647/media/20160309_171536_zpsyqkx5esv.jpg.html)
(http://i478.photobucket.com/albums/rr148/jpc647/20160309_171356_zpsbqkhsdil.jpg) (http://s478.photobucket.com/user/jpc647/media/20160309_171356_zpsbqkhsdil.jpg.html)
(http://i478.photobucket.com/albums/rr148/jpc647/20160309_173148_zpshwybur6b.jpg) (http://s478.photobucket.com/user/jpc647/media/20160309_173148_zpshwybur6b.jpg.html)
(http://i478.photobucket.com/albums/rr148/jpc647/20160309_173221_zpsz8kpjpkl.jpg) (http://s478.photobucket.com/user/jpc647/media/20160309_173221_zpsz8kpjpkl.jpg.html)
(http://i478.photobucket.com/albums/rr148/jpc647/20160309_173235_zpslrwezzlb.jpg) (http://s478.photobucket.com/user/jpc647/media/20160309_173235_zpslrwezzlb.jpg.html)
(http://i478.photobucket.com/albums/rr148/jpc647/20160316_1644441_zpsybk1kjcx.jpg) (http://s478.photobucket.com/user/jpc647/media/20160316_1644441_zpsybk1kjcx.jpg.html)
(http://i478.photobucket.com/albums/rr148/jpc647/20160316_164436_zps2m4bhkj9.jpg) (http://s478.photobucket.com/user/jpc647/media/20160316_164436_zps2m4bhkj9.jpg.html)
(http://i478.photobucket.com/albums/rr148/jpc647/20160316_164539_zpske1jkarm.jpg) (http://s478.photobucket.com/user/jpc647/media/20160316_164539_zpske1jkarm.jpg.html)
Got pics of the trunk lid?
pictures uploaded. Let me know if you want more.
I believe my girlfriend is heading to jersey the end of the month. We might be able to work something out, for a few extra $$'s for her to meet you on the way down?
Are the blue seat belt buckles uncracked?
If it's an 83-86 car I need a window regulator passenger side. Just saw'z-all it out and ship it my way. :)
Yes uncracked and in good condition. I can get more photo's for you tonight.
Sorry, these are 87-88's.
PM me. We can work something out.
Does that radio work? Do you have any other radios?
sent you a pm
Sorry for the delay guys. Pm's going out with photo's of parts!
It worked when I took it out and it's been in dry storage ever since. I think that's the only radio I have left. Make me an offer on it, and I'll get a shipping quote, we add those numbers together and you got a deal. I need your zipcode.
Ok, do you know if it has the plug in the back or if it's just the radio? I'm wanting to go from an buttstuffog AM/FM radio to the digital AM/FM cassette. I don't know if my existing plug would work with your radio. If so, would you take $30? I'm at 67460.
Did you manage to get any pics of the front seatbelt buckles? :)
Yes, I did. I swear I sent you a pm! But I updated the OP with photo's! :)
If kingcars doesn't want the blue seatbelts, I'll take them. :)
Checked out the pics in the OP and sent you a PM :)
pm's replied to.
shipping quotes sent out!
I need the door pulls the straps on the door. In black with screw covers.
Sorry steve, only have gray door panels at the moment. :/
I didn't receive a PM with a shipping quote.
PM sent.
original post updated.
IAC's gone from the photo's.
Anyone want the fuel pump hanger? I had two people as about it, and want it, so I boxed it up. It's ready to go.
bumpity bump.
Let me know what you need!
Hello!! Do you still have the "$25 each for the front plate frames. One' a turbo coupe one, ones a standard bumper one. You'd have to tell me which one is which now, it's been a long time?" I need the one for the an '86 Cougar XR-7. I can't tell for sure from your photo which one I need though :( Would it be possible (if you still have them) to get a photo of them separated so I can see them better? Let me know and how much shipping would be to 37122 !!! THANKS!!
Your '86 used a metal bracket; the 1987-88 Cougar and Thunderbird brackets won't work on your bumper cover.
If you really need an OEM-style one... http://www.ebay.com/itm/FORD-OEM-License-Plate-Bracket-Mount-E3SZ17A385A-/271973621807?fits=Year%3A1984%7CMake%3AFord%7CModel%3AThunderbird&hash=item3f52e4202f:g:c3kAAOSwzvlW~UOC&vxp=mtr
HOWEVER...you can modify a Ford Tempo bracket to work on your car, just trim the two lower tabs a bit and you're good to go.
Hope that helps!
The one I had on my Cougar was stolen. It was a Ford part that came off a friend of mine's 86 Thunderbird and was a thick plastic one that looked a LOT like what I can see of the ones you have listed. The ones are Ebay are nothing like the one that fit my bumper that I had but thanks for trying to give me more options!!!
Hey cougar gal, I haven't been on in a while, but I do believe i still have them both. What's your email? I'll get photo's for you tonight.
Send 'em to goin.too.fast@gmail.com if you would. I'd LOVE to have a front license plate holder again :)
Lots of stuff still available.
I ended up finding the blue seat belt retainers and the quad shocks. I'll message those people who were interested.
Bump. Have a long weekend, cleaning out the garage.
Pm's sent for the parts I misplaced and recently found.
Looking for a front license plate holder for an 87/88 TBird. Pm me price and shipping to 98230 please and thank you!
Does the air intake system (box, hose, etc) fit an 88 cougar 5.0?
Also I guess I should ask if you even still have the stuff
dude, i love all that spare stuff you have,,
I especially collect all the electrical pieces parts.
dont count me out,, if you need it gone, jot down my ph 304 772 3411
Couldn't really see, but do you happen to have some black exterior door handles?
Do you need one for a tc or a regular nose bird?
I believe that one if off of an 88 3.8l bird. I'm not sure if they are the same or not.
I'll check tomorrow. I still have doors on the parts car, but not sure what color the handles are.
Did the blue seat belt parts sell?...
I need one for a turbocoupe. Im also looking for pull handle plastic end clips and yhe seatbelt pull through plastic cap that hides the torx bolt if you happen to have.
Not yet. I had boxed them up and misplaced them. I emailed the guy back who was first on the list. If you're interested, they are yours.
You need one what for a turbo coupe?
I might have a couple random plastic pull caps, what color? I know I have a red one somewhere. I'll look for the plastic cap for the torx. Again, what color are yours?
Sorry for the delay, been traveling since the holiday.
Pm sent.
Blue seat belts sold.
Anyone need quad shocks?
I think I'm going to throw a lot of the small stuff out.