My Grandson's new (to him) 2008 Focus has no jack, lug wrench or spare tire.
It has an "emergency mobility kit" which is a cigarette lighter powered air pump and some leak sealant.
It also has tire pressure sensors that can be destroyed by using leak sealers???
Sounds like lousy arrangement to me.
If a mini-spare is preferable, you should be able to get one out of wrecked Focus right back to the early 2000s, most of them had a 15" mini-spare that will clear the larger brakes on the 08-11 cars.
the world is getting more amazing by the day!
I think you should make your local dealer your new project and find out where your free spare tire is!
My 2011 Focus (same body style 08-11) has a mini spare from the factory. I bought the car new off the dealership lot.
My Mustang doesn't have a spare. It's a $200 option, but not available with the 20" wheels mine has. I got the mobility kit too, along with the TPMS-sensor wrecking goo. I tossed a $2 tire plug kit in with it, so if I get a flat I'll plug the hole, pump up the tire, and continue on my way
Good idea. I'll have to get him one.
Hard to find jacks and spare wheels in the junkyards....they usually take 'em out when they drain fluids...
AAA let them handle it. Some cars don't have a place to put a spare.