Fox T-Bird/Cougar Forums

Technical => Body/Appearance/Interior => Topic started by: mr glee on April 06, 2015, 10:08:30 PM

Title: cougar weatherstrip/dew wipes 86 cougar
Post by: mr glee on April 06, 2015, 10:08:30 PM
hi there im looking for n/s and o/s outer beltline weather strips (the ones that stop water getting inside the door) as mine have had it and are starting to mark the glass.looked at j c whitney but can not work out which to order.if you could give me a part number or contact details of anyone who will have these as the bottom of my doors are starting to rot.
Title: cougar weatherstrip/dew wipes 86 cougar
Post by: Spik3slash on April 10, 2015, 03:24:48 AM
Steel rubber for $300 stock fit butt I got a set 4weeks ago still haven't came in called them to day thay sed its on a make as you order thing
Title: cougar weatherstrip/dew wipes 86 cougar
Post by: EricCoolCats on April 10, 2015, 08:22:37 AM
The JC Whitney part numbers are constantly changing...I really have no idea how a business can successfully run that way, but that's the way they've always done things. Anyhow, I don't have a recent catalog to compare numbers. But that's where I've always bought universal replacement weatherstripping; they even had some that fit the convertible. If I find something I'll post here.
Title: cougar weatherstrip/dew wipes 86 cougar
Post by: Dansbirds on April 11, 2015, 06:56:16 AM
When I had my 86 XR7 I bought some from JC whitney. I only ever replaced the lt side before I sold the car. I still have the parts in my garage I will look later and see if there are #s or atleast get you a pic
Title: cougar weatherstrip/dew wipes 86 cougar
Post by: mr glee on April 11, 2015, 08:07:49 PM
thanks for looking had a look myself spent hours kept coming up with part numbers that are no longer stocked........bugger.
Title: cougar weatherstrip/dew wipes 86 cougar
Post by: Dansbirds on April 12, 2015, 08:59:28 AM
Well I cant get a super good picture but there is a tag on it that says 819751. I know when I was looking to do this there was a really good write up on here about doing it. I also had made a post of my own with my results and pics but since I am not on here as much anymore I cant even find that. I did go on the JC Whitney site and found a seal that uses part #JCW-819751 MFR#1369-4 and it looks identical to the profile of what I have. I do remember it needed trimmed as its to long and as stated above JC Whitney #'s seem to change constantly.
Title: cougar weatherstrip/dew wipes 86 cougar
Post by: mr glee on April 14, 2015, 04:48:25 PM
ok going to order these soon  hope they fit as the old ones will fall apart being moved.also can any one give me details on how to do this i can see the wing mirror has to come off but i cant see how im going to get the crome trim passed the panel on the door frame (next to upper b post)  no way of telling how this is fixed to the door or how to get it off.
Title: cougar weatherstrip/dew wipes 86 cougar
Post by: Dansbirds on April 15, 2015, 07:21:00 PM
In the search box type in dew wipe, I believe the guy that did the write up is cougarcrager(dont hold me to the spelling) he did a very good write up with pics. It really isnt to difficult a project once you get into it its titled 83-86 weatherstrip
Title: cougar weatherstrip/dew wipes 86 cougar
Post by: mr glee on May 04, 2015, 03:23:58 PM
sorry should have said this is for a none vented window will they still fit ?