Fox T-Bird/Cougar Forums

General => Lounge => Topic started by: Thunder Chicken on October 14, 2014, 05:40:28 PM

Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: Thunder Chicken on October 14, 2014, 05:40:28 PM
***EDIT*** The money has been raised. Thanks to everyone who contributed, and also thanks to everyone who wanted to but couldn't for some reason. I'm adding this to the top of this post because the post in which I mentioned that we made it might get missed in several pages of posts.

As you all know, this forum is privately run without ads. No attempt has ever been made to monetize this site. The last few years of hosting were paid for by the generous members who donated money in a fundraiser, I believe this was over 5 years ago.

Today I got an email invoice from URLJet, our hosting service. This invoice was unexpected (We had several years paid, and truthfully I lost track of how many years were paid for). Unfortunately URLJet did not give me any advance notice - the invoice came today and is due for Oct 29. The amount of the invoice is $469.94 for two more years hosting. This presents a major problem because I do not have the money, and I don't have the time to organize a fundraiser. I don't even remember my PayPal credentials, for Pete's sake.

I am at a loss for what to do. Christmas is coming, so there is no extra money. I don't have the time, nor the skill, to move the forum to a new host. Use of the forum has dwindled significantly so I'm not even sure it'd be worth it (of course it'd be worth it, but I'm just freaking out). I'd hate to see this forum disappear, as it is really the only resource for our beloved foxes.

I really don't know what to do. And time is of the essence to figure something out. Need help, bad (not money help, but suggestion help). I would even be open to transferring ownership of the site to another member, so long as I was confident that new owner was a true enthusiast who would keep the spirit of the site as it is.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: vinnietbird on October 14, 2014, 07:04:18 PM
I'll send some funds Friday. Post a PayPal address.

Come on guys, small price to pay for the best forum for us and our cars !!!!!
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: jcassity on October 14, 2014, 07:09:39 PM
exactly what Vinnie said  but ill go one better............

Call me at 304 772 3411 and I can do a money transfer or use my paypal.

another thing,,,
can you please make a donate icon or somehow not wait till its this late in the ballgame to let us know.
I am more than happy to contribute like many here.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: jcassity on October 14, 2014, 07:14:35 PM
if I re-read this,, are you saying you'd prefer to pass on to someone else?
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: vinnietbird on October 14, 2014, 07:39:34 PM
I would also post this down in the regular part of the Lounge. many don't look up at the stickies.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: 1BadBird on October 14, 2014, 07:42:04 PM
I like the idea of a "Donate" button. That should be done :D
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: QUICKSHIFT on October 14, 2014, 08:49:21 PM
Can we throw out a suggested amount that would  be acceptable by the members. If some members are so inclined, they may be in a position to give more.
The donate button is a good idea as well.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: bodyman on October 14, 2014, 09:24:37 PM
Count me in, donate button, pay pal, whatever you decide.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: daminc on October 14, 2014, 10:11:59 PM
I'm in to donate
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: bkaser90 on October 14, 2014, 10:48:38 PM
I'll kick in some money,  paypal or whatever
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: MY83T on October 14, 2014, 11:00:37 PM
i am here for all my fellow forum pals, i can donate something also.  25 members giving 20 bucks and we are good, no?
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: V8Demon on October 14, 2014, 11:08:24 PM
I have zero issue donating.  How hard would it be to migrate to a different server?  That price seems high.  My site was about 100 a year....
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: jangus on October 14, 2014, 11:08:33 PM
I'm good for a donation to keep the site up. Just let me know how.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: 4thqtr on October 14, 2014, 11:10:49 PM
I'm happy with the way you've handled the board all these years (thanks as always!), and I hope it's not too much of a burden for you. I think, for now, we should focus on paying the balance - of course I am also willing to donate generously as soon as a method is decided upon.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: Lodemia on October 14, 2014, 11:39:09 PM
Ditto what everyone else said. I'm game. I've learned more that I get from any manual by cruising the site.

Heck, I'd pay for a premium membership to get more pm space, too!
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: blain_gatterdam on October 14, 2014, 11:41:29 PM
More than happy to donate. This site has always been here whenever I decide to dig up the old bird and work on it.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: 1Bad88tbird on October 14, 2014, 11:41:45 PM
I'm not on as much either but I'll pitch in. Just let us know.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: jrad235 on October 15, 2014, 02:08:46 AM
I'm up to donate whatever is needed(Again) but the price they are charging does seem high, for us to go through that cash in 4 Years?

 Let me know where you need it sent to and once we are out of the red we can get going on migrating to a different host.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: HAVI on October 15, 2014, 05:40:04 AM
I can pitch in as well.    And what he said ^^^^^
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: 50RACER on October 15, 2014, 08:26:26 AM
I'm happy to make a donation. Just point us in the right direction.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: Loaded87IROC on October 15, 2014, 09:22:11 AM
I'd be glad to pitch in to help keep the site up as well.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: Aerocoupe on October 15, 2014, 09:27:09 AM
I am in as well.  I was wondering the other day when we needed to donate to pay the light bill.  Is there any "easy" way to set up an account for the forum so that someone does not have to lend their paypal account out to do this?  I'm not very well versed in all of that but I just thought I would ask.

Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: Thunder Chicken on October 15, 2014, 10:53:08 AM
Thanks guys, I appreciate the responses. I'm at work so can't say or do much. I'll post back in tonight
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: Aerocoupe on October 15, 2014, 12:10:18 PM
Get er dun!  Ha ha ha!!!  Had not seen Tom post yet so I figured I would chime in for him.  I think the funds will not be a problem by any means but I do have one other thought, why are we only paying for two years?  Can we get any kind of a deal for say five years or is that a no no in the tech world?  Only draw back I could see is if the company that is hosting the site just disappeared.

Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: Chrome on October 15, 2014, 12:40:27 PM
Count me in. Just let us know where and how to send it.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: BJL on October 15, 2014, 01:19:36 PM
I will also make a donation. Let us know.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: thunderjet302 on October 15, 2014, 02:53:16 PM
I would be happy to donate. Where else am I going to find information about Fox Thunderbird/Cougars on the net?
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: lakenheath24 on October 15, 2014, 03:31:59 PM
Count me in please!  cant be letting this site go away!
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: grutinator on October 15, 2014, 06:30:03 PM
ill do my part as well. hopefully itll only come down to 15-20 bucks from the most common members
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: 83TB on October 15, 2014, 07:16:16 PM
I am in, I will follow thread so I know where and how to send the donation.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: ZondaC12 on October 15, 2014, 07:36:32 PM
Yup, reporting for duty. Very valuable place, must be protected.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: Thunder Chicken on October 15, 2014, 07:53:28 PM
Hey guys, thanks for all the offers and support. I don't have much time right now - I had to work late, and am barely even awake right now. ed winter tire season makes it crazy at work. I'll answer a few posts here for now:
Quote from: V8Demon;439051
I have zero issue donating.  How hard would it be to migrate to a different server?  That price seems high.  My site was about 100 a year....
We were hosted on a cheaper site before, and ended up having the forum shut down because even though we were well under the advertised storage space and bandwidth, apparently our forum was hogging server resources. That host (GoDaddy) wanted us to move to a dedicated server, which at the time was thousands of dollars a year. Our current host specializes in forum hosting, so resource hogging isn't an issue, though price certainly is.
Quote from: jrad235;439059
I'm up to donate whatever is needed(Again) but the price they are charging does seem high, for us to go through that cash in 4 Years?

 Let me know where you need it sent to and once we are out of the red we can get going on migrating to a different host.

I too was surprised that we already blew through the paid period, but I guess at nearly $500 for two years, plus the vBulletin software, it adds up. The biggest problem right now is time. I wish they would have at least given us 30 days notice, but they instead gave us 14 days. I wouldn't be surprised if they did that on purpose, to prevent "shopping around".

Quote from: Aerocoupe;439074
Get er dun!  Ha ha ha!!!  Had not seen Tom post yet so I figured I would chime in for him.  I think the funds will not be a problem by any means but I do have one other thought, why are we only paying for two years?  Can we get any kind of a deal for say five years or is that a no no in the tech world?  Only draw back I could see is if the company that is hosting the site just disappeared.


When we first moved to this host I made a special deal for extended time. They only offered one year at a time and were reluctant to go longer. I haven't had the chance to shop around other hosts, but at $500 for two years I'm kind of reluctant to go longer myself right now.

I was also caught off guard because just a couple of weeks ago I received an invoice from URLJet saying everything was paid up (I got one of these invoices a year for the past few years, always showing paid):
Then yesterday I got this one, showing not paid:
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: 88turbo on October 15, 2014, 07:59:35 PM
I would be game to donate as well but I just picked up another 87 thunderbird so cash is limited at the moment :(

this place cannot close, we have too much time and info invested to let it all go.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: thewestie on October 15, 2014, 08:38:41 PM
im in
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: vinnietbird on October 15, 2014, 08:48:57 PM
No worries, as a collective group here on the forum.......we got this.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: jcassity on October 15, 2014, 09:12:46 PM
just post up the paypal acct # and we will fill er up.....
clock is ticking
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: jcassity on October 15, 2014, 09:22:57 PM
matter of fact,,,if it needs done, I'll collect it and do the online payment

I will accept payments at
start sending.....

thunderchicken, at this juncture, I can tell this is a burden you have carried so long and I understand if its become a pain.  lets get the bill paid first , then focus on a transition to someone with the time to take this puppy over.
first priority is to keep this going.
second is to lighten your load if that becomes something you feel would help

I am 100% certain the funds will be available on time by cob 25oct giving you slack time to make the payment.
its a matter of me sending you the collected funds asap upon your request in one bulk motion.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: TOM Renzo on October 15, 2014, 09:28:20 PM
Count me in. But i do not have Pay Pal. How can i help. I have a VISA burning a hole in my pants. just let me know how to get you some coin.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: jcassity on October 15, 2014, 09:49:06 PM
your paid, ill cover yours because you easily forget you took very good care of me once.... so your first to pay,, how about that~!
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: Lodemia on October 15, 2014, 10:37:03 PM
I don't know if it helps explain at all, but there are two different charges, one for your domain name, the other for the hosting space.  I have about a dozen domain names, and you pay for quality, liked urljet.  Sucks that this is last minute, tho.

I'm still game to donate.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: Chrome on October 15, 2014, 10:42:48 PM
Quote from: vinnietbird;439101
No worries, as a collective group here on the forum.......we got this.

Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: My10-80 on October 15, 2014, 10:57:35 PM
I'm in for the long haul.  Don't want to see a good thing go away.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: bigbada1 on October 15, 2014, 11:00:11 PM
Where do I donate. There is way to much good information on this fourm to let it go. Plus this is one of if not the best fourm I have ever been a member of. So many people willing to help each other without any bashing when simple questions are asked. Again where do I donate?
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: QUICKSHIFT on October 15, 2014, 11:19:35 PM
With 211 "ACTIVE" members and figuring only 100 of us donating $5 bucks, this is a no brainer...$500 bucks easy. Now, I'm guessing most guys would gladly throw in $20 which makes it real easy in that you only need 25 guys.

So lets get going on setting up a means of donating.  :beatyoass:

Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: Haystack on October 16, 2014, 12:48:34 AM
I have no paypal, but money order will be sent when and where ever needed.

Let us know.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: 84tbird on October 16, 2014, 07:12:58 AM
I'll gladly chip in, too. Just let me know what method
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: bryan163 on October 16, 2014, 07:39:33 AM
Im in. Just let us know how you would like us to donate.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: Aerocoupe on October 16, 2014, 10:36:43 AM
jcassity has kindly volunteered to take the donations as per his post #37 on page 4 (I would remove my email address and have people PM me for the info as that info could get trolled).  IF thunderchicken is okay with this then I would suggest a new sticky a the top of this forum with the who, what, when, and where in one post so that it is clear and concise as to what needs to happen.  I am ready to make a donation but I want to be sure that everyone is on the same page so this happens smoothly.  Last time we did this some people did not get the chance to donate so now it their chance to step up to the plate.

I still think that a donation "button" on the header of the website would be a great idea so that funds can constantly be donated and when this comes around again we should have some dollars in there and if we are short it won't be by much.

Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: 88lx50 on October 16, 2014, 11:28:30 AM
Count me in to donate a few bucks. I don't have my Tbird anymore but you guys bought my parts after I parted her out and this site was invaluable over the years with knowledge to keep her on the road,
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: jcassity on October 16, 2014, 03:27:09 PM
paypal deposits up to 100$ now
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: jcassity on October 16, 2014, 03:32:01 PM
now at 150$
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: thewestie on October 16, 2014, 05:27:37 PM
I sent it its out there in web land somewhere.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: jcassity on October 16, 2014, 05:29:15 PM
now at 185$
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: jcassity on October 16, 2014, 05:29:36 PM
now at 205$
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: jcassity on October 16, 2014, 05:33:38 PM
pls make your user name for this board a part of your message you include in your donation
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: thewestie on October 16, 2014, 05:37:03 PM
Thunderbirds rule!!!!!!
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: Thunder Chicken on October 16, 2014, 05:52:56 PM
Thanks, Scott.

And, of course, everyone else.

I've gotten access to PayPal again, through my friend and former business partner's account. You can deposit money into that if you feel like donating.

I'm flattered by your offers of help, and am quite confident the funds will be raised. I hate shmoozing like this, especially sounding so desperate. You guys are awesome, and the forum will live on come hell or high water.

Anyway, my PayPal email is ("") (please include your forum user name with any donations so I know who to thank)
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: jcassity on October 16, 2014, 06:01:51 PM
up to 255$ now

stop sending to me and send directly to thunderchicken

I will forward the funds collected from the past 24hrs up to you thunderchicken.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: thunderjet302 on October 16, 2014, 06:22:30 PM
I'll be sending a donation when I get home tonight!
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: jcassity on October 16, 2014, 06:27:35 PM
255$ moved to thunderchickens paypal
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: Thunder Chicken on October 16, 2014, 06:47:46 PM
Thanks Scott, for stepping in with your PayPal Id. Funds received

Thanks everyone else who either have contributed or will. You guys all rock, which is why this forum is the best and why I keep coming back even though I sold my T-Bird four years ago - that and the faint hope that I'll find a nice four-eye Bird some day...
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: V8Demon on October 16, 2014, 07:11:35 PM
Carm, I sent you a payment.  Make sure you got it.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: Masejoer on October 16, 2014, 07:24:02 PM
Hopefully people are sending as donations (friends/gift) rather than purchase. No sense in losing fees to Paypal for no reason.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: jcassity on October 16, 2014, 07:31:43 PM
on my end, yours did not "tell me" that was the case,, the auto-bot email did not define it.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: Thunder Chicken on October 16, 2014, 07:36:40 PM
Quote from: V8Demon;439166
Carm, I sent you a payment.  Make sure you got it.

Got it, Paul. Thanks!
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: Masejoer on October 16, 2014, 07:43:10 PM
Quote from: jcassity;439168
on my end, yours did not "tell me" that was the case,, the auto-bot email did not define it.

Of course - the e-mail will simply say how much was received. If you receive fractions smaller than a dollar, the person likely set as a purchase, which Paypal applies a fee to. Sending to "friends and family" or whatever it's called has no fees, unless paying with a credit card (at that point, the sender can choose who pays the fee - them or the recipient).

Anyway, it's small fees when it comes to a few dollars here and there, but it all adds up!
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: ZondaC12 on October 16, 2014, 08:12:20 PM
I use PayPal all the time with my credit card on eBay. Can I do that here?
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: V8Demon on October 16, 2014, 08:23:08 PM
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: 88lx50 on October 16, 2014, 08:30:09 PM
I just sent it as sending money to a friend. There were no fees on my end. I hope you did not get any fees on your end.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: Masejoer on October 16, 2014, 08:48:32 PM
Quote from: 88lx50;439175
I just sent it as sending money to a friend. There were no fees on my end. I hope you did not get any fees on your end.

Nope - no fees when sent that way. The fees are supposedly to protect the buyer of merchandise.

Paypal/eBay gets enough of our money in fees!

Nice to see the generosity of everyone here. It's too bad I wouldn't trust leaving money in a full-time donation account. Too many stories about Paypal seizing funds.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: thunderjet302 on October 16, 2014, 08:52:43 PM
I sent some money. Let me know if you get it!
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: fordguy545 on October 16, 2014, 08:55:22 PM
I thought I sent my donation to a friend, but I should've searched a little longer apparently!  Thought I was doing it right, guess not.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: 83TB on October 16, 2014, 09:06:41 PM
I sent in, hope it all work well.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: blain_gatterdam on October 16, 2014, 09:20:41 PM
Sent in.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: BornInAFord on October 16, 2014, 10:31:17 PM
Sent in.  Hope Thunderchicken can withdraw all the donations.  Some paypal accounts have monthly and lifetime amount limits set. :(
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: My10-80 on October 16, 2014, 10:39:31 PM
I sent mine.  Let me know if you get it please.

And thanks again for your efforts.

Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: BLKBRD88 on October 16, 2014, 10:43:15 PM
Whoops I forgot to put my forum name on the Paypal payment.

PM sent to Thunder Chicken with info
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: bodyman on October 16, 2014, 11:47:32 PM
Sent in.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: Kitz Kat on October 17, 2014, 02:40:21 AM
It was 4 years ago about, the last time we did this. This post was dated 11-1-2010.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: Lodemia on October 17, 2014, 05:26:59 AM
Where do we currently stand?  I can kick in more if there's still a shortfall
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: TheFoeYouKnow on October 17, 2014, 05:47:44 AM
Jumped the gun and sent donation to jcassity.  I'm sure he'll forgive me and pass it along.  I never remember to read to the end before taking action.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: ISTLCRUZ on October 17, 2014, 06:09:35 AM
I sent donation to jcassity as well. Was that not right? Did I miss a post?
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: jcassity on October 17, 2014, 07:45:31 AM
Foe~ yours was passed along and at the time it was the only paypal playing catch

1STLCRUZ- your Vincent correct?
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: vinnietbird on October 17, 2014, 07:52:19 AM
I'm Vincent.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: TheFoeYouKnow on October 17, 2014, 10:03:00 AM
Quote from: jcassity;439216
Foe~ yours was passed along and at the time it was the only paypal playing catch

1STLCRUZ- your Vincent correct?

I like that. Obviously, that's in reference to your having just sent that money to me via PayPal,  and my now sending it back for the board.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: Loaded87IROC on October 17, 2014, 10:05:41 AM
Money sent!
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: 88lx50 on October 17, 2014, 10:07:09 AM
I am Vincent as well, and I did not include my info when I sent the donation. Jcassity - I pm'd you my info.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: Thunder Chicken on October 17, 2014, 10:34:45 AM
Hey all:

I'm at work right now typing this on an old iPhone 4s, so you'll have to forgive spelling/grammar. Anyway, the forum members have stepped up and donated money. I can't log into paypal right now but I think it's pretty close to being covered - if not, I'll cover the rest. Will post an update after work, but the upshot is that the crisis has been averted.

Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: TheFoeYouKnow on October 17, 2014, 10:54:55 AM
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: jcassity on October 17, 2014, 11:44:55 AM
Pls stop sending to JCASSITY

send directly to

now at 350$

I have received $ yesterday and today.
anyone wanting to get a comfort level feeling , just call me at 304 772 3411.

I am going to be forwarding another bulk amount of funds to thunderchicken later today.

New total I have collected is  getting us  closer
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: Masejoer on October 17, 2014, 12:26:43 PM
Quote from: jcassity;439230
Pls stop sending to JCASSITY

send directly to

now at 350$

I have received $ yesterday and today.
anyone wanting to get a comfort level feeling , just call me at 304 772 3411.

I am going to be forwarding another bulk amount of funds to thunderchicken later today.

New total I have collected is  getting us  closer

Edit your old post/remove address and people will probably stop ;)
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: Lodemia on October 17, 2014, 12:44:07 PM
Glad to hear that we'll stick around for a while!  Thanks to everyone who pitched in!
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: bryan163 on October 17, 2014, 03:58:47 PM
Donation sent.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: daminc on October 17, 2014, 05:25:04 PM
payment sent, and sharing on our Facebook group
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: Thunder Chicken on October 17, 2014, 05:52:23 PM
Ok guys, I'm home from work, and was able to log into Paypal. We have not only hit the goal, but surpassed it. We're at $668.83 and only needed just under $500, and that's not even counting the extra money Scott mentioned in post #90. I am deeply grateful to all of you.

But now I've got the problem of what to do with the extra money. Since this is your money it's your choice. Here are a few ideas though:

1: Refund the excess to those who contributed after we passed the mark (I don't like this idea because it would make those who contributed later feel unloved)
2: Split up the excess and refund a portion to each person who donated
3: Talk to URLJet and see if I can buy more time with it (this is what I did last time)
4: Upgrade the forum software - this was also done last time. There is a new version of vBulletin which includes a mobile app for Android and IOS - This would mean our forum would have its very own app! I'm trying to get more info on this app though - vBulletin's website is kind of vague on that.
5: Take the extra $$ and buy new snow tires for my truck (KIDDING!)

Those are my suggestions. I do have one thing to add, though: $500 for two years of hosting seems like a lot of money, but I've looked around for other hosts and haven't found any compelling alternatives. There are plenty of hosting sites that offer lower prices, but they only advertise bandwidth (how many gigabytes/month of data) and storage space (the room for the forum software, database, attachments, etc.)

What they don't advertise is that even though this forum would come in well under their advertised storage space and bandwidth, it would use too much CPU power. Storing data and delivering it to you are simple, but processing that data takes CPU power. This is what we ran into four years ago when Godaddy pulled the plug on us - we were bogging down the server, using more than our share of CPU cycles. Another thing to consider is speed and reliability - this forum works pretty ed fast, and has suffered very little downtime since we went with URLJet. Some of our longer-term members will certainly remember how the forum used to slow to a crawl, and even preven you from logging in if there were too many other users already online. We're also able to keep just abput every feature vBulletin offers turned on (attachments, chat, inline images, signatures, etc). In short, yes, URLJet is expensive, but you pay for quality.

Let's hear your thoughts
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: V8Demon on October 17, 2014, 06:01:27 PM
4: Upgrade the forum software - this was also done last time. There is a new version of vbulletin which includes a mobile app for android and ios - this would mean our forum would have its very own app! I'm trying to get more info on this app though - vbulletin's website is kind of vague on that.

Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: 88lx50 on October 17, 2014, 06:02:39 PM
Buy more time with it. 2 years goes by fast.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: BLKBRD88 on October 17, 2014, 07:13:53 PM
How about electing a treasurer (like J Cassity, Vinnie, or someone trustworthy who is on this site regularly). He/she could open a bank account in the forum's name to deposit any extra money (more may keep flowing in) as a slush fund for future forum needs.
That is, if they won't let you buy more years with what extra funds you now have?
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: QUICKSHIFT on October 17, 2014, 07:36:45 PM
Help an old guy out here. How do I attach a pay-pal payment to the gmail link listed?
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: thunderjet302 on October 17, 2014, 07:59:09 PM
Quote from: V8Demon;439251

Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: TheFoeYouKnow on October 17, 2014, 08:08:20 PM
I say use the extra for the upgrade.  2 more years is great, but in 2 more years the board is going to be even further out of date.  Get 2 years AND upgrade.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: jcassity on October 17, 2014, 08:24:43 PM
375$ processed through my hands thus far…………….

For sake of being discrete………
The 1st letter of your first name you supplied and the last 3 letters of your last name you supplied are listed below and tied to the respective transaction ID#.

This is for your comfort level to insure your contributions have been directed to the moderator.

Jass Transaction ID: 8MB04711A3218040N
Vman Transaction ID: 8L921853DN961342U
Mader Transaction ID: 0LB269636R171320M
Role Transaction ID: 7WC44813RB4382946
Jyle Transaction ID: 0BH64855KW923243E
Mson Transaction ID: 4A452458F27382614
Sest Transaction ID: 2B440988BN006204S
Volo Transaction ID: 5P271454N4186650B
Jley Transaction ID: 5ES37077MA000021F
Ader Transaction ID: 7V467749WS3982244
Sity  N/A
Tnzo N/A

If there are any questions, do not at all hesitate to call at 304 772 3411 (my home office) or 304 772 4082 (my home)
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: HAVI on October 17, 2014, 08:29:51 PM
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: BornInAFord on October 17, 2014, 08:30:20 PM
Quote from: QUICKSHIFT;439254
Help an old guy out here. How do I attach a pay-pal payment to the gmail link listed?

Log in to pay-pal, then go to "pay or send money", then click "send money to friends or family".  For the page that opens, enter the gmail account and the amount desired to "gift".  There will be a place for a note to attach to the payment, so mention "QUICKSHIFT". ;)  Click "send", and you're done. :beer:
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: QUICKSHIFT on October 17, 2014, 08:31:55 PM
Quote from: QUICKSHIFT;439254
Help an old guy out here. How do I attach a pay-pal payment to the gmail link listed?
......never mind....figured it sent.:D
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: QUICKSHIFT on October 17, 2014, 08:33:21 PM
Thanks born in a ford. We posted at the same time.....LOL
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: BornInAFord on October 17, 2014, 08:34:15 PM

Oh, and I vote to extra funds to upgrade.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: Lodemia on October 17, 2014, 08:35:45 PM
In order of priority - upgrade then extend the hosting contract.

$500 is actually very reasonable for 2years of vbulletin hosting and urljet is a top notch host. I wouldn't look to move it.

I am in no way affiliated, I just used to be in the business.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: jcassity on October 17, 2014, 08:38:37 PM
I was gonna say....
for a few cents a day you have have all this !!!!!!
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: jcassity on October 17, 2014, 08:40:42 PM
I have a personal preference here...... and we should all consider sliding some funds over to

after all, there be the original dream maker you know?

I don't forget too easily.... Eric has always been there for us
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: vinnietbird on October 17, 2014, 08:41:50 PM
Well.....that was a screaming success. Good forum. Good people. Worth what we pay to have it, and honestly, we're getting a bargain. Our cars are so different from the norm, we gotta stick together.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: Masejoer on October 17, 2014, 09:20:07 PM
Quote from: Thunder Chicken;439250

Those are my suggestions. I do have one thing to add, though: $500 for two years of hosting seems like a lot of money, but I've looked around for other hosts and haven't found any compelling alternatives. There are plenty of hosting sites that offer lower prices, but they only advertise bandwidth (how many gigabytes/month of data) and storage space (the room for the forum software, database, attachments, etc.)

Exactly. We host sites in a colocation datacenter where I work (not sites/forums like this) and spend a LOT of time managing the servers, auditing, and responding to 24/7 monitoring/alerts. It isn't cheap to provide hosting, or purchase good hosting. The cheaper solutions basically hide all their limitations and will simply cut service if they thing you are using more than your share of resources, period (see the service level agreements and terms of use). While we have specific, expensive software licensing costs (close to $10k per server, whether it is web of SQL, renewed every couple years), OUR base price of over $400/year for the hosting and backups still only covers costs if everyone doesn't utilize 100% of their plan's resources. Don't forget that all those servers also need to be upgraded every so often, unless you want to deal with failures/outages.

$500 for two years sounds perfectly reasonable. I don't know the resource usage of this site, but anything with a lot of database load will have higher costs.

I doubt I see forums changing much, and I never use mobile versions of sites (I'd rather login to my home server from my phone, then browse in 1080p in normal desktop browsers). My preference would be extended hosting contract, seeing how the last few years have been pretty trouble-free with this host.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: 1Bad88tbird on October 17, 2014, 11:53:15 PM
Are we still able to donate? I needed to move money from my bank to my paypal account and I can send it on Monday. I helped the last time and would like to again. I really appreciate this forum and the great group of people on here.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: bkaser90 on October 18, 2014, 01:04:49 AM
I sent some money in today,  can you just confirm you got it?
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: grutinator on October 18, 2014, 10:55:43 AM
i know we reached the goal but i just donated cause i said i was going to. sorry im late. i say buy more time with the excess. or the treasurer idea was good too, save it and use it when needed
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: mcb82gt on October 18, 2014, 11:50:19 AM
I just saw this thread, should we still donate money to have for next renewal?  I personally have no use for a mobile app.

As said before is it possible to get a donate tab on the site, I think that would work well.  Let me know if would like more money, I would hate to even think for a split second of this site going away, it really is invaluable for us and these cars.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: Thunder Chicken on October 18, 2014, 04:08:42 PM
Hey guys, just got in from work. We're now at $848.83. You guys rock. I will try to get out acknowledgements to each of you via email tonight.

I have put in an email to URLJet asking if more than two years can be bought in advance. They did this the last time, so I can't see it being a problem.

I have looked at the newer forum software and I must say I don't really like it. I put together a screenshot to show you what I mean. It looks more modern than this forum currently does, but it lacks pizazz. I also don't know whether we could customize a new version, or if any of our customization scripts (such as the banner up top and the colour options) would work.

As for mobile (I know there are many who don't care for a mobile version, but that is the way the world's going), while trying to find info on the mobile version I have discovered that our current version already supports a mobile app. It's an app called "Forum Runner". It is a paid app (at least on IOS) and I haven't tried it yet, but for the sake of two bucks I'll give it a whirl. The good thing is that you can use that app for most any forum you're a member of. I'll download it, try it out, and let you all know.

Anyway, here's what the latest version of vBulletin looks like:
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: vinnietbird on October 18, 2014, 05:22:46 PM
I KNEW we'd get it handled quick. Best forum around.

I will say I like the current format. We're used to it, easy to navigate. If it's not broke, don't fix it. Nice to see all of us pull it together in such short order. We can have another "telethon" as Jerry calls it when the time is right.

An app for the phone would rock....if it's worth the effort. If not, then no loss.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: daminc on October 18, 2014, 05:58:16 PM
I also say that Carm should order himself a pizza, and grab some brews as payment for taking care of his end of the forum work.
It's the least we can do for him for the time he puts into this for everyone
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: vinnietbird on October 18, 2014, 05:59:17 PM
I totally agree. It's a job keeping us on line and in action.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: mcb82gt on October 18, 2014, 09:44:02 PM
Older I get, more I dislike change.  If updates need to happen though, I understand. 

If someone needs a meal and a brew for getting this fixed, I am behind everyone >100%.

Sent money to thunderchicken, Hope it showed up...... Let me know.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: jcassity on October 18, 2014, 10:57:02 PM
Quote from: Thunder Chicken;439317
Hey guys, just got in from work. We're now at $848.83. You guys rock. I will try to get out acknowledgements to each of you via email tonight.

I have put in an email to URLJet asking if more than two years can be bought in advance. They did this the last time, so I can't see it being a problem.

I have looked at the newer forum software and I must say I don't really like it. I put together a screenshot to show you what I mean. It looks more modern than this forum currently does, but it lacks pizazz. I also don't know whether we could customize a new version, or if any of our customization scripts (such as the banner up top and the colour options) would work.

As for mobile (I know there are many who don't care for a mobile version, but that is the way the world's going), while trying to find info on the mobile version I have discovered that our current version already supports a mobile app. It's an app called "Forum Runner". It is a paid app (at least on IOS) and I haven't tried it yet, but for the sake of two bucks I'll give it a whirl. The good thing is that you can use that app for most any forum you're a member of. I'll download it, try it out, and let you all know.

Anyway, here's what the latest version of vBulletin looks like:

its highly disorganized at a glance.
I specifically don't use "views" like that because generally speaking the views that come standard deal with links to other services I could care less about.
similar to my transition to windows 7,, its still set up goofy.
my biggest crux of win7 is when I troll through sub folders or folders,, it "thinks" it knows what I am going to do in the future so it puts files I visited at the top.

well mr technology bill gates, I want my files to be in the correct alpha numeric order I put them in originally so stop putting usless garbage in my tech! and stop putting file folders that begin with "P" or "W" above file folders that begin with A, B , C

sorry, ranting.
I am a file cabinet and drawer kind of guy.. this is organized perfectly well the way it is.

there are a few slots and everything fits in them...
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: Masejoer on October 19, 2014, 02:37:08 AM
Quote from: Thunder Chicken;439317

I have looked at the newer forum software and I must say I don't really like it. I put together a screenshot to show you what I mean. It looks more modern than this forum currently does, but it lacks pizazz. I also don't know whether we could customize a new version, or if any of our customization scripts (such as the banner up top and the colour options) would work.

I agree - looks terrible. It reminds me of changes that made a few months ago on their "hotdeals" forum. Their "data" showed them getting more click-throughs to purchases, but either the community outrage, or an actual reduction in click-through profits, made them revert ALL of the changes they had worked on. The new look was simply too much harder to navigate, both for content, and how difficult it was on the eyes (no matter the theme selected). After all that work that they were refusing to throw away, they eventually gave in. That forum is usable again.

The new vbulletin version looks pretty bad also.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: EricCoolCats on October 19, 2014, 09:18:01 AM
Don't forget, there will be skins for the new layout. And we can always create our own too. When we did the major vBulletin upgrade years ago, I listened to what people wanted and created the themes from scratch (Gunmetal, Midnight, etc.). As long as that ability doesn't go away then I don't see a problem.

What I wouldn't mind seeing is what some other forums have: a nice, clean layout that's updated and easy to navigate.


I could probably emulate that with the new vBulletin software.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: Aerocoupe on October 19, 2014, 09:51:42 AM
I got caught up with work and just realized when I woke up this morning that I forgot to donate so I just send money.  I'm not feeling the new VB software either so I am all for seeing if we can get additional years.  If it is possible can you post up how much per year or years and the amount that has been donated so far?  If we are just shy of an additional year I am sure we can come up with the scratch to round up rather than down.

Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: jcassity on October 19, 2014, 10:21:54 AM
one option I would like to see is a button on thread 1 of a new post in the tech articles.
when the radio button Is checked or clicked,, it triggers the display of "Solved"

when "solved" appears, it only means that t he problem has been found,,, its up to the member to fix it.

for 99% of the threads here, we cant tell what the outcome was.

I usually edit the subject line of the first thread and insert "solved" so there is a visual indication the issue is over.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: Thunder Chicken on October 19, 2014, 03:32:51 PM
Update: We are now at $943.83. That's almost double what we needed. People kept sending donations even after I posted that we had enough. You guys humble me.

I have just sent out a thank you note to each member that donated. If you donated and don't get this note, first check your spam folder, then let me know. I replied directly from the emails PayPal sent me, so if you donated and I didn't get an email from Paypal I just want to make sure your donation came through OK.

I heard back from URLJet and they'll give us three years at a 25% discount, for a total of $673.75. I'm going to ask if they'll go for four. If they won't, it looks like we'll have enough for at least three years, PLUS the software upgrade. I looked at the link Eric provided showing a "skinned" version of vBulletin 5, and it doesn't look bad at all. And I do think a mobile version would be a good idea, as more and more people are using their phones and tablets to surf the web. I think we could even go halfway and keep the current software but buy a mobile suite, if I read vBulletin's website correctly.

I'll keep you all posted as to any replies from URLJet.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: TOM Renzo on October 19, 2014, 06:05:28 PM
That is so great. It actually is humbling how close we really are. When it counted we got the job done. Thank you Jay for helping me out with this. You are a stand up guy!!
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: Haystack on October 19, 2014, 09:54:40 PM
I want to send something in, but I dont want to paypal. If scott or one of the admins would take  money order payment, id be more then happy to.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: rodsterh on October 20, 2014, 10:12:55 AM
Wow, step away for a few days and look what happens!  Will gladly contribute if needed but don't want to add to the refund work or confusion so I'll just stay tuned.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: 1Bad88tbird on October 20, 2014, 04:43:37 PM
That's what I'm waiting for rod... I want to contribute but if it's just going to be refunded then I'll wait until next time.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: Thunder Chicken on October 20, 2014, 05:13:23 PM
Ok, we're now at $963.83. I've heard back from URLJet, and they'll give us four years at a 27% discount for $874.25. I think this is our best option - that would keep us going until October 2018. That leaves a little under $100 extra, which I think should eventually go toward new forum software - not just change for the sake of change, but as the support guy at URLJet pointed out, the backbone of the forum software will eventually be upgraded to the point that our old forum software won't work on it anymore.

Here's a screenshot  of the latest from URLJet:
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: daminc on October 20, 2014, 06:23:36 PM
so if we got you more funds, would you do the upgrade and 4 years, or wait with the upgrade?
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: Thunder Chicken on October 20, 2014, 07:02:40 PM
Personally, I'd like to do both. The four year thing is definitely a go - as soon as I get an invoice that will be paid. The upgrade would cost another $209 to get the latest forum software and another $150 on top of that for the mobile portion. I think I could also do the mobile portion of the software as a stand-alone for $189 (without the forum software upgrade), but I don't know how much sense that would make, especially in light of the upcoming PHP/MySQL incompatibilities that the URLJet rep mentioned.

There is no urgency to the software thing though - at least not for now. I'd hope that we wouldn't just wake up to a broken forum one day with a "sorry, your software's too old" notice, but given how much notice they gave me on this hosting thing I couldn't rule that out. I think the best thing to do would be to find a way to add the "Donate" button that others have mentioned, and once the donations got high enough, to the upgrades then.

The important thing is that we can all breathe easy for a while...
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: Fordracer08 on October 20, 2014, 08:18:25 PM
Well, I haven't been on for a while and I almost missed out on this whole thing. When you get the donation button thing worked out I will donate toward the software upgrade. Good to see everyone here sticking together for the cause.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: marty on October 21, 2014, 12:36:22 AM
I'm in also, I don't post a lot but I could not have built my car without you. Marty
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: bryan163 on October 21, 2014, 07:31:27 AM
Maybe the donate button will be an option on the new software.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: daminc on October 21, 2014, 08:22:41 AM
So far we seem to do really well with our random fund drives....I would hate to see a donate button become one of those things that everyone sees, but nobody clicks on.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: JeremyB on October 21, 2014, 09:43:36 AM
So we're $269.42 short to get the newest SW and mobile upgrayedd. $99.42 short for mobile only. How old is our current version?
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: jcassity on October 21, 2014, 11:05:59 AM
Quote from: Haystack;439390
I want to send something in, but I dont want to paypal. If scott or one of the admins would take  money order payment, id be more then happy to.

I saw your post 45, I covered you,,, Remember the GRILL you sent us (my son when he had his minor front end bump?)
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: Aerocoupe on October 21, 2014, 02:23:14 PM
The mobile app is not going to keep the site running where as the software update will so first things first.  We are short by $119.42 for the software upgrade so I say we go for it now while there are a few people that are willing to donate now.  Twelve people X $10 or six people X $20 will get it squared up.  Once that is accomplished then a donation radio button can be put at the top of the page so that those who want to use a mobile app can donate.  I do not use the mobile app as I prefer a larger screen to work with so the mobile app is not important to me but I do understand that some folks really enjoy it.

Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: Haystack on October 21, 2014, 08:48:00 PM
Quote from: jcassity;439460
I saw your post 45, I covered you,,, Remember the GRILL you sent us (my son when he had his minor front end bump?)

THe grill you didnt use? :p.

Thank you.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: Thunder Chicken on October 21, 2014, 09:02:43 PM
Worked late today, so just a quick update. We're up to $1013.82. You guys continue to amaze me.

Still haven't gotten an invoice for the four years from URLJet. If I don't by tomorrow I'll write again
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: BLeavitt23 on October 22, 2014, 08:41:18 PM
I would really like to donate to this, but I'm flat broke at the moment.  Pinching pennies everywhere I can reasonably do so, and am once again considering selling some parts.  If a donate button is added in the future, I'll try to contribute something.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: bkaser90 on October 22, 2014, 08:59:31 PM
hey just for shiznits and giggles, do you know how many people have made a donation?  Just curious what the average donation was.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: Thunder Chicken on October 24, 2014, 06:47:14 PM
Hey guys, sorry I didn't update sooner. Between tire season and the upcoming deer season, plus rebuilding a Dakota my brother gave me (he owed me shiznitloads of money, gave me this truck as a partial payment, I'm fixing it up and selling it, but trying to get it done before the snow flies so people will actually want it when it does snow) I haven't had much free time.

Anyway, the forum is saved. The grand total was $1013.12. That is enough to pay for the four years hosting, and a good portion of the software update. I will kick in the rest toward that update, so consider it done (I will have the software updated soon - one nice thing about URLJet is that they will do the update for us). Once again, on behalf of everyone, I thank you all.

There were donations directly to me from 26 people. That's counting Scott (Jcassity) but not anyone who donated to him. I'm sure he can chime in with how many donated to him. The average is probably around $30/person.

For those who wanted to donate but couldn't, whatever the reason, don't worry about it. Your intentions are just as good as your actions. Even if you couldn't donate money, you all contribute with the content that makes this site what it is.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: Thunder Chicken on October 27, 2014, 05:43:40 PM
Ok, after not getting an invoice I called them tonight. They finally sent one, and I just paid it. We are now fully paid for four years. Once again, thanks everyone.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: Aerocoupe on October 27, 2014, 06:15:48 PM
So where does that leave us with regards to how much is needed for the software upgrade?

Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: Thunder Chicken on October 27, 2014, 08:18:01 PM
There is about $140 left. The software upgrade is $209 without mobile, $359 with it.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: jcassity on November 02, 2014, 04:06:35 PM
I just had an epiphany

with the extra funds...........PURCHASE ACCESS TO CARFAX . com........................  what do you all think?

im in  a junk  yard looking at a world class 3.8L pony with a 5speed yet I if I had carfax, I could know some history before I yank it.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: MY83T on November 02, 2014, 04:22:02 PM
This member is selling his Cougar to pay for his teenage daughters funeral and burial costs. See here:

Perhaps a more fitting use?

Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: jandmmustangs on November 02, 2014, 04:24:10 PM
I like the idea. It'll help everyone. Especially on car purchases, junkyarding, etc.

Again, I like it
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: Chrome on November 03, 2014, 12:48:36 AM
Quote from: jcassity;440082
I just had an epiphany

with the extra funds...........PURCHASE ACCESS TO CARFAX . com........................  what do you all think?

im in  a junk  yard looking at a world class 3.8L pony with a 5speed yet I if I had carfax, I could know some history before I yank it.

I think the software update should come first. It'll keep us going. I do think you have a great idea here though. I think carfax would be much more useful than a mobile app.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: Aerocoupe on November 03, 2014, 09:11:34 AM
Guys, I keep coming back to the software upgrade because it is a direct benefit to the entire membership and future members.  Carfax, Charities, Donations, Mobile Apps, etc. do not directly benefit the whole site.  If we want to donate to a cause then we can do this individually and if we believe it is a worthy cause then a new thread can be started and go from there.

Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: thunderjet302 on November 03, 2014, 09:33:54 PM
Quote from: Aerocoupe;440104
Guys, I keep coming back to the software upgrade because it is a direct benefit to the entire membership and future members.  Carfax, Charities, Donations, Mobile Apps, etc. do not directly benefit the whole site.  If we want to donate to a cause then we can do this individually and if we believe it is a worthy cause then a new thread can be started and go from there.


+1. Software upgrade benefits all the forum members.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: Lodemia on November 04, 2014, 11:45:49 AM
Quote from: Aerocoupe;440104
Guys, I keep coming back to the software upgrade because it is a direct benefit to the entire membership and future members.  Carfax, Charities, Donations, Mobile Apps, etc. do not directly benefit the whole site.  If we want to donate to a cause then we can do this individually and if we believe it is a worthy cause then a new thread can be started and go from there.


Good with this.  I'm first in line for the mobile app.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: Haystack on November 04, 2014, 04:05:38 PM
I have never understood the point in mobile apps. I've never found one I've liked more then the regular browser.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: Lodemia on November 04, 2014, 04:12:18 PM
I like the idea of a mobile theme.  You can improve on the navigation, etc and it makes a big difference. just put in a mobile theme recently, and it's much easier to use on my y iphone.

Quote from: Haystack;440161
I have never understood the point in mobile apps. I've never found one I've liked more then the regular browser.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: Masejoer on November 04, 2014, 06:01:44 PM
Quote from: Lodemia;440163
I like the idea of a mobile theme.  You can improve on the navigation, etc and it makes a big difference. just put in a mobile theme recently, and it's much easier to use on my y iphone.

I can barely use their mobile version - I get a Loading screen, then it goes away and I get a second, smaller Loading screen. I don't have that issue on the full site, over the same internet connection.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: Chrome on November 04, 2014, 06:04:33 PM
I suppose after the software upgrade we should put it to a vote as to what upgrade is next. For now, we don't have the money to even do the software upgrade yet.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: thunderjet302 on November 04, 2014, 06:14:51 PM
Quote from: Lodemia;440163
I like the idea of a mobile theme.  You can improve on the navigation, etc and it makes a big difference. just put in a mobile theme recently, and it's much easier to use on my y iphone.

Quote from: Seek;440165
I can barely use their mobile version - I get a Loading screen, then it goes away and I get a second, smaller Loading screen. I don't have that issue on the full site, over the same internet connection.

I HATE the Corral mobile site.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: Thunder Chicken on November 05, 2014, 06:06:34 PM
Hey guys, just checking in, been stupid busy and usually only get a chance to nip in on my cell phone.

I'm thinking the software update is the best route right now. I will cover the difference between what's left in PayPal and the cost of the upgrade - you guys contributed, it's only fair that I do, too. The mobile update can come later, if we decide we need it (I personally think we should do it, because like it or not, tablets & phones are the way more and more people are accessing the internet).

The software upgrade will probably happen in early December, after hunting season and hopefully when tire season slows down a bit as well.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: jandmmustangs on November 05, 2014, 06:48:52 PM
Quote from: thunderjet302;440167
I HATE the Corral mobile site.

Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: thewestie on November 05, 2014, 09:18:15 PM
I'm always on tablet or s5 and I always go full site. Once in a while desktop.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: sarjxxx on February 21, 2018, 11:06:31 AM
So seeing as this all went down just over 3 years ago and was paid out for 4 years, is it going to be just about time to pay the rent again soon in a few months?

Also what happened with the software update, did it ever get upgraded?
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: blain_gatterdam on February 21, 2018, 11:32:16 AM
I am happy to see the site online at all, upgrade or not.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: Haystack on February 21, 2018, 06:53:52 PM
If its donation time, I can donate whenever.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: Beau on February 22, 2018, 03:20:24 AM
Yup. I'm in. Tell me where I can help out. Like I said in another post, the gain I've gotten from this place doesn't have a dollar value, all the same... ;)
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: ZondaC12 on February 24, 2018, 09:21:47 AM
Good catch Steve! Samesies LOL. I'd go get the Fry from Futurama "Shut up and take my money" picture but its early and Im too lazy :D
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: vinnietbird on February 24, 2018, 09:33:17 AM
I'm always in as well. This forum is still important for these cars.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: Bird of Prey on February 24, 2018, 03:44:11 PM
Let me know what I can do to help.  I feel like I've already received value for the short time I've been a member on this forum.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: tommym on February 25, 2018, 10:33:35 AM
Let me know what you need. I'm in. The site is too valuable to lose.
Title: Attention all forum members, please read. Problem solved, but still important!
Post by: turbo88 on November 17, 2018, 07:01:05 PM
agreed site is still immensely valuable, if contribution is needed I'm in.