I am starting a carbon fiber company in a few months, and might start making parts for T-Birds/Cougars.
Some of the parts I am considering making out of carbon fiber.
Intake Manifolds 2.3 and 5.0
Valve Covers 2.3 and 5.0
Body Parts Hoods, Custom Hoods, Front Splitters, Grills
Interior Parts
Anything else anybody wants?
Can't wait to see how stuff comes out might be very interested
just for the record, I am a complete newb when it comes to Carbon Fiber. I'm going to give it my best shot though.
I'm in Los Angeles for a couple more months on business. I'm going to get things rolling when I get back to Colorado
let me know when you start would love a hood grill etc
Hood will be one of the first things I do. Probably gonna be a turbo coupe hood though.
I'd be intrested in a turbo coupe cowl hood combo 2.5"-3"
87-88 ground effects would be nice!!
4 inch cowl n deck lid for an 88
83'-86' ground effects, a couple different style hoods, trunk lids, so on and so on :-D
I vote for some 83'-86' ground effects, trunk lids, a couple different style hoods as well, so on and so on :-D
I get back home around December 12th. Looking to buy a house within the next month, and then I will purchase materials to make molds and carbon parts.
Some of the things I'm going to start with.
-Custom Dashes
-Custom Intake Manifold Plates
my opinion, don't bother with the dash. not too many people would be willing to swap a whole dash, or we would have a lot more sn-95 dashes on this site.
what part of Colorado are you moving to? my dad is pretty good with.carbon fiber. he used to work at a composite company here in Utah. they invented carbon fiber and we used to use it a lot.back in the day for model airplane parts.
Good luck. Looking forward to seeing how it turns out.
I've lived in Colorado since 2007.
Just working in Los Angeles right now.
I want to make a dash for my own T-Bird, so I will already have the mold. Might as well have it as an option! ;)
Dash would be cool
You should do gauge clusters like the Florida 50 clusters for the mustangs
to freight ship a hood across the country…… I already know it will cost $360, plus cost of a packing crate on a pallet (Approx $40)
Even shipping small parts these days isn't cheap.