Looking for a new set or good used set of hla's shipped to 03053. Paypal will be a must. Let me know, thank s joe.
I have a complete set, what are they worth to you plus shipping?
I have sets for $47 shipped. I ship and youwill have them in less than 3 days from the time you send payment
RDOG, are they wide groove type, or just normal oem's?
Be careful. Some "wide groove" HLA's have the band located up too high, and are totally worthless in a situation where you'll be shimming them up in the bore to compensate for a reduced base circle cam, as it will uncover the band and you'll have oil pressure issues.
yes thank you, i have read in to that problem, and that seems to be the only ones i can find, with out having to go through bo-port. i should have been more descriptive about what i was looking for.
Getting in touch with Bo over at Bo-Port would be your best bet. I've seen Comp Cams units, and they appear to have the band located correctly.
yea been dealing with bo. i haven't had the best luck with customer service. great products, good guy, just looking at different options. ill check the comp cam out first. thanks again.