be carefull picking berries,, never know what you'll come upon.
Is it dead now?
Wait...are THEY dead now?
Oh how cute! The whole copperhead family! They're pretty close, you know?
copperheads and cottonmouths break the rules kinda
here are the rules to id a snake
pointed tail~~highly likley the snake is non poisonous
blunt tail ~~highly likely is poisonous
round eyeballs ~~ highly likely non poisonous
oval eye sockets ~~highly likely poisionous
Copper head
Has pointed tail
Has oval eye sockets
Has pointed tail
Has round eye balls
Has oval eye sockets
Rattlesnakes, copperheads and cottonmouth water moccasins are all vipers.
Vipers have a triangular shaped head.
and so do black snakes, garter snakes and pretty much all snakes for that matter ,, and thus all people become more stupid in killing the wrong snakes.
head shape has little or nothing to do with anything about vipers
ones perception on what is a "triangle shape" is the reason head shape is not a correct way to look at it.
Pictures like this make me happy that the only snakes I have to deal with are garter snakes.
The only good snake is a dead snake
creatures have thier purposes big and small, most been here longer than we have thats for certain,, i think :)
I really don't have a problem with snakes, as long as they aren't trying to sneak up on me when I'm fishing...
If I were nearby, I'd come relocate those for you. Hopefully they are or were (and still are) far away from your cabin.
Snakes are ok...rather meet one than someone's pissed-off dog, hog, or wife. (or all three. sometimes rolled into one.)
Copperheads usually are somewhat forgiving, unless you step on them. Moccasins, will just get pissed off and bite because you blinked three hours ago. Leave them alone.
Coral snakes can be handled somewhat, but if you're bitten by one, there's no more antivenin for their are f*cked.
There's no such thing as a poisonous snake, there are venomous snakes, and while some of those do have a triangular head, so do some non-venomous snakes.
If you're in doubt, leave it alone. If you can safely get near it to see it's eyes, then you can tell by the pupils. Round equates to non-venomous, while a vertical slit pupil indicates a fanged dangerous . Of course, coral snakes are one of the most venomous American snakes, and they DO have round pupils.
Don't just go around killing a snake because of ignorant fear..they play a valuable part in a healthy ecosystem. If you see one, leave it alone and walk away. Only kill it if it's a threat.
Moccasins however are pr0ne to attack, so if you see a short, thick dark or even gray colored snake in or near water, best play it safe and haul anchor and move away.
I've been playing with snakes for 21 years, have been bitten twice. Both times by Corn snakes. Pets. Go figure.
I live in the country, snakes are pretty common. I even have a 4 footer in my bedroom.
I suffer no tolerance for folks who needlessly kill snakes. If you do, you're a f*cking fool.
I don't like the idea of killing them either as long as they aren't one of those venomous s who want to kill you and your little dog too. Hell I don't even like killing spiders, in fact I'm pr0ne to saving them lol.... unless they've got one of those rap guy's girlfriends' behinds on them with an hour glass on it mmhmm that mother will die with fire