have now changed out every parts of the a/c system condensor,evaporator, accumulator, all hose, both peices of the ETC in the dash. Pulled the sytem down with a vacumn pump. held 30 pounds vacumm for over 2 hours. charged the system, had a samll problem with the pressure switch. Fixed the switch ran the system nice cold air. ran the leak detector around no hits, system worked for about 8 hours. the next morning no cold. still no leaks detected but system pressure is low. I'm reluctant to try stop leak or UV dye at this point, i don't wnat to have to buy another expansion line. any ideas on leak areas that i might not have hit with the detector?
Did you check the compressor shaft seal and put detector in the vents to check for evaporator leaks? Sticking the probe up the evap. drain is also a good way to check for evap. leaks. Make sure you don't get any water in the probe, as it will ruin it. It would probably be a good idea to check the condenser if you haven't already. What detector are you using?
It looks like it leaked out in less than 24 hours. You must have a big leak to do that. If putting in a little 134 again doesn't let you find the leak, rent a nitrogen tank and jack the pressure up to 150-200 psi. The nitrogen deal will be expensive though, a regulator is $100. Renting is probably only $20 or so, plus however much nitrogen you use ($1-$5).
quick update. i guess i let some dirt in the system. Sytem is full on the high side dead on the low side. I guess orifice tube is clogged. Drain it down. Replace or clean new tube then charge and try again. I figured with all new parts i would be safe, but since some of the items were old stock, some crud was inside. Oh well. whats another couple of bucks.
Any ideas on a safe way to back flush and clean system. Other than going to an A/C shop? I can pull and recover my fridgerent, but don't have any other supplies.
I use brake parts cleaner. Lots of it. Then vacuum down for a long time and charge the system back up.
puller the liquid line again. sent the brake cleana through it both ways with air line. hooked up system sucked it dry then did the r-134 conversion. freon/r12 mix is to hard to get only two wholesalers in county handle it now. Well all done friday around 4:00 pm drove car all weekend. with the EATC set at 60 you can hang meet in the car i mean like BRRRRRRRR!! another problem cropped up though A/C won't kick on is i set the EATC at above 75 degreee no matter what the outside temp is. could i have a bad ambient temp sensor? or is there something else i need to check.