The wife and I have decided to take a week away from Facebook since it has been getting in the way of us. I'm still here and those of you that have my number are more than welcome to call or text. Thanks :)
Meh. Rehab is for quitters! lol
Hehehe Sher is having a hell of a time and its only the first day without it!! She just started rambling about a bunch of stuff so I said to go get some Facebook and settle down, she looked at me with a sad look like she wanted to cry. Lol
get those new sun glasses coming out,
it has a wifi link and you get to watch other peoples uploaded activities,,, watch snookie at a bar or whatever.
what a waste of time,
I don't have a facebook. I decided when I was in high school, back when myspace was pretty new, there a reason I never talked to or hung out with thise people anymore.
If your not important enough to be in my phone or address book, there's a reason.
Wow....sounds like some serious issues there. I do two forums, here and steelcitystangs....that's it. No facebook, myspace, twitter, and whatever else there is.
No one except the wife and kids need to know my status and where I'm at.
I know a lot of people hate facebook and I can understand why, but honestly I can't live without it. It just seems like a great way to communicate with all my friends simultaneously. The result has been non stop awesomely coordinated events every week. Non stop fun for the car hobby!!
Its a great way to communicate with all the people that aren't important enough to visit or call on the phone.
I love technology, but at some point, you gotta draw the line. I enjoy my forums, but its because I have nothing better to do. When I was a kid I did everything online. Now I just see it as a collction of people that are too lazy to keep track of each other
Apples to oranges.
I have Facebook, and a few forums, but, I also have control over what I do.