I waxed the car and thought I would share a few pics.
Up close there are many little dings and a legion of scratches.
A few more.
Oh, I've polished a turd.......
Looks real nice
Thank you. Your car is awesome though. I love looking at your car. It makes me want to put my turbines back on.
I really like the exp emblem! That's worth 20 HP Atleast! ;-)
Looks great BTW.
It covered a dent. LOL
I bet most people dont even know what exp means, or was.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yiJ9fy1qSFI (http://"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yiJ9fy1qSFI")
Why are your front and rear license plates different?
A front plate isnt required in KS. It was an old KS plate I had dated 1989, with the old style. I thought it was cool on the 88 cougar.
I always like the EXPs. wanted one but just never did.
Nice ride too:D
EXP. The coolest Escort.
And yes, I've polished a turd....apparently I've got to polish it some more, as the trans is out, and the 305 burns oil and water. FML.
Um, yes, I'd say I have polished one..............
Before polish.....
After polish.,.....
Looks great. The blemishes must be fairly small as I don't see them.
Amazing what a little polishing can do, car looks great. What products did you use Mike?
I've become attached to the Meguiars line of polishes and wax.
Done four complete vehicles with the stuff in the last year, well worth the effort.
I must not be using enough elbow grease, I can't get my turds to polish out as well as some of you guys do. Must be the polish I'm using, lol
Yes, I have polished a turd as well:
After wax :cool: :
Before wax: :yuck: :
btw I love the way your Cougar looks. Makes me want to go out and get some black mirrors now instead of chrome :) What color is your grille? Doesn't appear to be black... but it looks really good
Not a t-bird, but here's the turd I polished.
My 'bird needs some polishing but overall it's not too bad.
There are some amazing before and after pictures.....wow.
It was Meguires cleaner wax, and some polish.
Thank you. I like the black mirrors as well. The grill is totally stock, just chrome outline with the grey columns.
Cleverly hid by the low light and camera angle.
Vinnie, that is a total turd makeover rejuvination. Much more than polish, quite amazing actually.
ok grey columns. Mine are BLACK. I may have to copy you and paint mine gray;) oh and FWIW I also use meguiars cleaner wax. With a 6" buffer. Great stuff to get it shined up, but does not last long at all. I am thinking of going over the top of mine with some turtle wax and see what happens. I also have a can of fastwax that I am interested in testing out soon as well....
What part of olathe do you live in? Im not are form you.
Near Heritage elementary, Cherokee place is the street.
How about you?
Mine is just the stock grill, they came grey, not black.
Those are some awesome before and after pics. I wish my turd still had more than 50% of its clear coat, then I could do some polishing!
I sure need some of that Oklahoma wax!
It takes a long time to work, but it is good.
Wool pad on a buffer a good cutting compound followed by a couple coats of wax will make it a good 40footer yet.
I use natures wax also known as tree sap to protect my paint. They'd have to key my car reallllllll hard to get through the 1/2 of sap.
I think I'll try that next day off. My dad has a buffing wheel somewhere around here...
well since its a mercury, you should have went with the LN7 emblem. even more obscure than the exp
My dad has a 82 LN7. I oughta fix it up, ive thought about it.