What games does everybody play on their phones? I have an Android phone and the games I play the most are Coin Dozer, Drag Racing (haven't played much since I maxed my car out) Gun & Blood, Stupid Zombies, and Tower Defense. I love Angry birds too but I prefer to play it on my son's Nook.
As far as apps, my most commonly used ones are Facebook, Photobucket, Soundhound, and the Weather Channel.
I don't play a lot of games on my HTC, but if I do it's usually Angry Birds.
For apps, I've got facebook, yahoo messenger, accuweather, and Netflix.
I don't play on my phone, but on my ipod touch I play zombie farm, tree world, angry birds space & COD zombies the most
My phone makes calls and does something called "texting"
I use dos box to play civilization, the first one. I generally play about two games a day. Haven't gotten many games or dos programs to work too well with it. You want a keyboard to use it, but you can set up some hot keys.
Must haves depending on your phone.
Widgetsoid. Make your own widgets/short cuts.
Speedtest.net app
Drag racing, game
Photo bucket
Word search. Suprisingly fun.
Sms backup
And gps status.
I also sometimes use pandora. My phone came with slacker, but updates were rediculous, and it had about a million times the adds.
An app I used to have that got pulled off, was genisoid or something similar. It was a sega genesis/game gear emulator. Worked awesome, and nothing is cooler then sonic the hedgehog while your stuck in line at the dmv. Full version suposedly let's you save games.
Angry birds, Crush the castle, Tower defense, kitten cannon. Now that i've ditched my pos motorola defy for a real phone, I need to find some 3d games :D
Tesla led, robo defense, atomic bomber, stupid zombies, angry birds, shaky tower, there is an appointment for just about anything. I really love my RAZR
I dont even HAVE a cell phone. What the hell are you guys talking about?
Absolutely! Picked up the Razr Maxx about a month ago, between the 4g and the battery life it puts my old DroidX to shame.
I don't play many games but Air Attack HD is pretty awesome with amazing graphics!
I would like to see some more of everyone's most useful apps, her are some of mine.
Dolphin HD Browser
Huge improvement over stock internet browser.
Smart TaskBar
Allows you to quickly access your apps from within any other app , no more returning to your home screen just do you can access your other apps.
"TouchPal Keyboard"
A better keyboard, I like the stock Swype keyboard but it lacks some options that are useful this one has everything needed.
"GO Launcher EX"
A huge improvement over the stock Operating System, it allows for some very useful customization. I personally feel that the phone manufacturers should use this as the stock OS.
All this posted from my Razr!
please tell me how to play games on my cell phone
you might be able to play jump rope but that is the only "app" available for that specific device, I'm sorry but an "upgrade" might be in your best interest. LOL
Super Stickman Golf
I ain't seen a phone like that since about '94, lmao