I finally decided to buy an EVTM and well wouldn't you just know it, its WRONG.
I bought a 1988 Thunderbird/Cougar EVTM and here's what it listed for the 3.8L engine components:
Obviously that is for a 1987 engine. Should I have bought a 1989 EVTM because of some ridiculous year naming system that I don't know about, or are they just wrong like that? And if so I wonder how much else is wrong....:mad:
that's strange.
Non-US spec EVTM?
afaik its US. The number on page 1 is FPS - 12116 - 88.
Anyone else with 88 manuals got that same diagram on page 53?
BTW, on the back cover in the bottom corner says AUG. 1987 but I figure they just printed it to coincide with the release of the 88 model year in 87 right?
I just went to check mine ...and realized I sold it
Well that does NOT help me :):p
Yes my 88 EVTM is the same as yours.
I have the 84 thru 88 EVTM's and they all have some errors, mostly in the diagrams.
I have not thoroughly gone over the book but it looks like in the 88 EVTM the diagrams carried over from 87 are a darker blue.
There is also an error the EEC page 60. It shows an EGR Valve Position Sensor.
The 88 3.8 has an EGR Pressure feedback sensor. Shown on page 57 Figure 2.
Yeah those are the kind of problems I would expect since they apparently forgot that they debuted an brand new engine that year...:rolleyes:
What do you think to use this thread as a correction? I suggest to put here a picture with arrow, where is a mistake and some comment, or corrected diagram.
Typos like truCk release don't need correction I think :hick:.
This was when they were still using "representative" location diagrams. You should probably find that the wiring diagrams are correct. I've seen this a lot with earlier EVTM's probably up into the early 90's. You don't even want to know what the 60's and 70's books look like. The good news, although not helpful, is that their wiring books are all pretty ed good now. I'm with Tom, check into alldata, sometimes they're wrong, but the nice thing is that it's online where they can correct it if need be. If you've got it on paper, it might as well be carved in stone.
My manual is the same, as well.
FWIW, on page 56, they have a pic of a TB 5.0 engine. Tell me THAT was a carryover from 1987, lol.
your book is right,
the illustrations may not have the correct picture layout that you might "want to see"
look at the title of each page on the wiring diagrams, you will see there are more correct references.
the 88 Evtm is more pinpointed than the 87 when it comes to the 88 layout.
In reality, there is nothing much different from the CFI 3.8 than the "EFI" 3.8".
Both EEC are wired pretty much the same. Notice the 88 fuel injectors have three injectors reference ground bonded together so that three injectors fire at onece, this i just like the CFI motor. The 88 3.8L is not SEFI so the major differences is emissions controls which adds couple components above and beyond the ones found behind the coolant fill tank on the 87 3.8.