Ok culprit:94 merc Cougar v8
Gas is dripping from exhaust pipes.
More throttle equals more white smoke, alot.
Yes like most people I've never herd of this happening.
It not sweet coolant, not oil, it's very flamable.
It is unburnt gas.
I checked fuel pressure.
30 psi at idle and 39 when reved.
Goes to 30 then drops when ignition is on and engine off.
After it's ran then engine off it holds 30 psi strong.
Vacum disconected it rus 39 psi.
I'm at a loss. It's my sisters car and she needs it to commute to work to support her kid.
Please help, email me and and I'll give you my number.
If you were that pig rich, it probably wouldn't run. You sure it's not coolant? White smoke usually = coolant, Black smoke = fuel, blue smoke = oil.
If you are really that rich, you should be pumping fuel past your rings into your crank case. Is your oil unusually thin and runny? It sounds awfully like a blown hg. Has is overheated anytime recently?
I was thinking along the same lines. How has it been running, aside from dumping gas? It may smell like gas, but still be coolant as (obviously) it is coming through the exhaust where the fumes from burning off gas escape. I know sometimes when there is condensation dripping from my tailpipes I can wipe it with my finger and smell it and it smells like gas.
is it actually coming OUT of the ler tip or leaking from the tip? does more come out if you rev the motor?
dude, crawl under the car and inspect the gas tank and plastic lines/hoses around it now.
it could be leaking from the tank/lines onto the lers and draing out the tips.
if it is its a fireball waiting to happen.