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General => Lounge => Topic started by: Cougar5.0 on May 20, 2010, 07:59:29 PM

Title: gout
Post by: Cougar5.0 on May 20, 2010, 07:59:29 PM
Feels like this -> :punchballs: except someone ishiznitting my big toe with a ball peen hammer over and over again. For 3 days and counting :mad: .
Title: gout
Post by: jandmmustangs on May 20, 2010, 08:01:26 PM
A guy I work with has it.  Stay away from soda pop and oatmeal cookies for a starter.  They both tend to exasperate (sp) the problem.
Title: gout
Post by: Cougar8775 on May 20, 2010, 08:12:21 PM
also any rich foods. like sharp chedder cheese. Stuff like that. Stuff that will kill ya quick lol. But its soooo good ya know. lol But yeah gout sucks i know a guy who is on meds for it till he dies.
Title: gout
Post by: mercury-man on May 20, 2010, 08:28:05 PM
Hey K , I've had it for years but it's under control with the medicine I get from my doc. :poke:

D & P
Title: gout
Post by: Cougar5.0 on May 20, 2010, 08:44:54 PM
Yeah, I'm eating the foods that are supposed to help & avoiding the bad. I'm trying to avoid medication if at all possible. Swelling has gone down some, just waiting for the 'ice pick in my toe" feeling to go away.
Title: gout
Post by: V8Demon on May 20, 2010, 09:00:26 PM
First time with it?  It WILL come back from what people have told me who have had it....

Apparently it can occur as a result of other funky diseases as well such as renal failure and/or diabetes and Leukemia.
I wouldn't screw around with it.  Get your butt to the doctor. 

Title: gout
Post by: Cougar5.0 on May 20, 2010, 09:14:51 PM
Turns out I've apparently had mild attacks before that I blamed on something else (shoes, musta stubbed toe), this is the first 'pure unadulterated agony' attack I've had. My diet really isn't that bad - already cut back on fatty stuff due to dad's bad heart & my bad cholesterol. Drink water a lot too. I guess I'm doomed to either die of a heart attack or blinding pain or suffer from drug side-effects that will prevent me from doing my brain-intensive job. Life doesn't always offer an ideal solution :(
Title: gout
Post by: Beau on May 21, 2010, 02:10:22 AM
I've got real bad pain right in the arch of my left foot. Feels like I've got red hot knife stabbed in it.

Seems like my 90 dollar pair of high-end shoes makes it hurt worse too, heh.

Bad thing is, my cheap-assed 30 dollar, bought-from-wal mart workboots make it feel better. :hick:

I agree with the doctor suggestion as well. Meds are better than pain, IMO.
Title: gout
Post by: Cougar5.0 on May 21, 2010, 01:11:03 PM
Doctors piss me off. They throw Rx at ya and tell you to have a nice day. They don't want to hear from the people who tend to fall into that 2/3 of the commercial that talks about 'side effects'. Doctors are nice and they're good at listening to you for the 5 minutes they're allowed to before the next patient, then they pat(ronize) you on the shoulder, throw an Rx at ya and walk out.
Title: gout
Post by: budribbs on May 21, 2010, 04:01:59 PM
i have been dealing with gout for 30 years it won,t go away with out meds sulindac works for me i find beer and tomatos set mine off
Title: gout
Post by: Cad-T-Bird 500 on May 21, 2010, 04:24:37 PM
I have gout for about 20 years now but always tested negative for Gout.

Since they don't know what it is they call it Psudogout and say there's no cure for it except of bunch of anti-inflammatory drugs.  Normally effects older people but I started to get it when I was 30.  It is only in one joint at a time but it moves around to the toe (the worst), ankle, Knee (have it here a lot), and wrist. 

It tends to effects me more in cold damp weather so I'm starting to wonder about living in the Northwest.

I can relate to your pain and I hope you get over it quick.  But like others have said it will be back.  The worst part is you never know when it will hit so it can ruin special events and the fear will even keep you home.  I use to like to go hiking/camping but I can't take the chance anymore.  What would I do with a gout attach when I have to hike out 10 miles and a pack.

Title: gout
Post by: budribbs on May 21, 2010, 04:37:41 PM
gout is caused by to much uric acid in your blood u can take allopurinol take 1 a day for rest of your life u will never have gout again
Title: gout
Post by: 1 BADBIRD on May 21, 2010, 11:51:36 PM
Let me tell you guys a little secret about gout that the doctors don't want you to know . Eat a couple of grapes every day or every other day and you won't need any medication . For some reason grapes neutralize the uric acid and you will never have gout again . Cherries work also . I had it one time and found out about the grapes and have not had it since and that was about 2 years ago . When i got it i ate grapes that night and by the morning i had no pain at all . And yes it felt like my big toe was gonna burn off of my foot !!
Title: gout
Post by: 1 BADBIRD on May 22, 2010, 10:09:42 PM
Bump it to the top you guys with gout need to read this !!!!!!!!
Title: gout
Post by: Cougar5.0 on May 22, 2010, 10:29:34 PM
It's true - dark red/blue berries are good - cherries were the common choice in the 50's.

Here's a good list I found during my search of what to eat and what not to:

Recommended Foods To Eat

    * Fresh cherries, strawberries, blueberries, and other red-blue berries
    * Bananas
    * Celery
    * Tomatoes
    * Vegetables including kale, cabbage, parsley, green-leafy vegetables
    * Foods high in bromelain (pineapple)
    * Foods high in vitamin C (red cabbage, red bell peppers, tangerines, mandarins, oranges, potatoes)
    * Drink fruit juices and purified water (8 glasses of water per day)
    * Low-fat dairy products
    * Complex carbohydrates (breads, cereals, pasta, rice, as well as aforementioned vegetables and fruits)
    * Chocolate, cocoa
    * Coffee, tea
    * Carbonated beverages
    * Essential fatty acids (tuna and salmon, flaxseed, nuts, seeds)
    * Tofu, although a legume and made from soybeans, may be a better choice than meat

These are foods to avoid:

Foods very high in purines include:

    * hearts
    * herring
    * mussels
    * yeast
    * smelt
    * sardines
    * sweetbreads

Foods moderately high in purines include:

    * anchovies
    * grouse
    * mutton
    * veal
    * bacon
    * liver
    * salmon
    * turkey
    * kidneys
    * partridge
    * trout
    * goose
    * haddock
    * pheasant
    * scallops