Fox T-Bird/Cougar Forums

Technical => Engine Tech => Topic started by: GrannysBird on November 30, 2008, 11:52:16 PM

Title: !!EMERGENCY!! Engine accessory bolts!
Post by: GrannysBird on November 30, 2008, 11:52:16 PM
Well guys the motor is in the car and the only thing stopping it from running right now is my current inability to locate the bolts for mounting the alternator bracket and all of the bolts pertaining to the power steering bracket.

Some how between the 3 times the parts have been transferred I've/my father has managed to misplace them. So my question to you guys is where do I find these bolts?

I currently have a motor in storage, but it's out of town and from a Cougar 5.0, where as my alternator bracket is from a mustang and my powersteering/AC bracket is from a Mark VII. Is this going to present me with additional problems?

And to top it all off I'm not able to travel to get the engine nor will I have time to disassemble it. My dad has the time to do it, but he is still recovering from abdominal surgery so the extent of what he can do is drive to get the engine. This sucks...

:punchballs: :punchballs: :punchballs: :punchballs: :punchballs: :punchballs: :punchballs:
Title: !!EMERGENCY!! Engine accessory bolts!
Post by: rancheronut on December 01, 2008, 12:00:34 AM
when i need the bolts to mount my p/s and alt brakets to my block.  found use one at a local wrecking yard or a napa.
Title: !!EMERGENCY!! Engine accessory bolts!
Post by: softtouch on December 01, 2008, 12:03:06 AM
Poor planning on your part does not make it an emergency on my part.
Title: !!EMERGENCY!! Engine accessory bolts!
Post by: jcassity on December 01, 2008, 01:47:27 AM
list up what you need length wise,, have your thread pattern handy by starting other bolts in various holes........then shoot to lowes ect for hardware.
Title: !!EMERGENCY!! Engine accessory bolts!
Post by: Haystack on December 01, 2008, 02:03:40 AM
buy a couple different lengths and sizes of all thread. that would make it easy to find what size you need.
Title: !!EMERGENCY!! Engine accessory bolts!
Post by: Bob on December 01, 2008, 05:21:08 AM
are you talking a the three long bolts that hold the ps side to the head? I used 7/16-14 x 6 with 2-3 washers and it was fine.
Title: !!EMERGENCY!! Engine accessory bolts!
Post by: tireshredder on December 02, 2008, 02:38:48 PM
Rock Auto has a 3 bolt kit,  I had to buy two and reuse some old ones.
Title: !!EMERGENCY!! Engine accessory bolts!
Post by: GrannysBird on December 02, 2008, 10:41:18 PM

Poor planning on your part does not make it an emergency on my part.

Was that really necessary? Do I have to go into the details into why I've misplaced the bolts? I wasn't aware that I had to explain my situation to you so that you could pass a judgment on it. Now if your definition of poor planning is planning that fails to take into account every possible contingency including those that fall outside of the automotive realm then yes it was poor planning that doomed me to lose 4 bolts. I also find it ironic that for a person espousing the needs for proper planning you yourself fail to buttstuffyze and take into account the fact that unknown/unforeseen variables may have led to the current situation at hand. If you had read the OP you would have seen that the all of these parts had been moved on 3 separate occasions. Then if you had thought a question would have arisen, "why would things have to have been moved back and forth 3 times? Perhaps several other major problems arose in the course of the project and led to this current situation."/rant off

To the rest of you guys thanks I managed to find the bolts at a local hardware store today. Duh...I guess I was freaking out when I didn't really have to. It's just been one of those builds......

I think after the end of all this I'm going to have to make it to Catjam next year with my car.
Title: !!EMERGENCY!! Engine accessory bolts!
Post by: Bob on December 02, 2008, 11:56:57 PM
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: