Fox T-Bird/Cougar Forums

Technical => Engine Tech => Topic started by: Shevretti on June 06, 2008, 04:22:16 PM

Title: '85 5.0 V8 CFI acting strange today
Post by: Shevretti on June 06, 2008, 04:22:16 PM
I have a 5.0 V8 in Town Car, but I think it doesn't make any difference.
Yesterday I noticed it's not shfting as smooth as it used to. I thought... hey, it's probably that TV rod grommet, and yes the rod was about to fell of. I had a spare one, so I replaced it and everything was as it should be.
But suddenly, while going of the green light it was kinda anemic for 2-3 seconds and than it punched and ran well. I thought - what a hell? Same thing happened on the next lights. So I stopped switched to neutral and revved it up. Everything was OK than. I was wondering what was it. Is it possible that with new TV grommet  the rod puts more load on the throttle shaft and affects TPS?
Please let me know what you think... and  where's the check engine light in my Town Car? There only seems to be a Check Oil light that's orange.
Title: Houston we've got a problem: KOEO/KOER codes
Post by: Shevretti on June 07, 2008, 08:13:10 AM
I got the codes today and there's a huge list:

KOER: 31, 33, 77

KOEO: 31, 88 CM: 22, 41

I found what all these codes mean, but I'm not sure how to solve the problems:
#33: EGR not opening - what do you think of plugging the EGR valve and installing EGR simulator?
#22: MAP/BP sensor out of self test range - should I replace MAP sensor?
#88: Loss of dual plug input control - OK, so what a hell is it?
#31: my 3.8 also gives this code, think it wasn't anything important
#77: O2 sensors, should I replace them?
Title: '85 5.0 V8 CFI acting strange today
Post by: Haystack on June 07, 2008, 01:09:07 PM
map sensor out of range could be a tps issue. I would try that first. The map sensor runs off of vacuum, so if the idle is low there might not be enough vacuum. I would unplug (I know easier said then done) o2 sensors and see if it makes any difference how it runs.

88=throttle kicker circuit according to
Title: '85 5.0 V8 CFI acting strange today
Post by: softtouch on June 07, 2008, 05:42:05 PM
Quote from: Shevretti;222471
I got the codes today and there's a huge list:

KOER: 31, 33, 77

KOEO: 31, 88 CM: 22, 41

I found what all these codes mean, but I'm not sure how to solve the problems:
#33: EGR not opening - what do you think of plugging the EGR valve and installing EGR simulator?
#22: MAP/BP sensor out of self test range - should I replace MAP sensor?
#88: Loss of dual plug input control - OK, so what a hell is it?
#31: my 3.8 also gives this code, think it wasn't anything important
#77: O2 sensors, should I replace them?

KOEO on demand codes:
31- The voltage on the EGR position sensor BR/LG wire is either less than 1 volt or more than 1.5 volts. More than 1.5 v means the valve is not closing all the way.
The O/W wire is the 5v reference voltage and the BK/W wire is ground. Fix this and the the KOER 31 and 33 may go away.

88- Check throttle kicker solenoid plug for corrosion. Check solenoid coil with OHM meter to see if it is open.

31 & 33- Fix KOEO code 31 first.
77- Failed the "goose" test. When you get the "dynamic response" signal (one sweep of the meter) momentarily goose it to WOT.

22- MAP sensor frequency out of specs. Since it did not fail with an on damand code or a KOER code this is intermittent. Maybe it is vibration sensitive or the plug is corroded.
41- O2 sensor lean. If you have two it's the right side. This is also intermittent since it did not fail KOER.

Reset the CM codes and see if they reoccur.
Title: '85 5.0 V8 CFI acting strange today
Post by: Shevretti on June 08, 2008, 09:40:00 AM
Quote from: Haystack;222492
map sensor out of range could be a tps issue. I would try that first. The map sensor runs off of vacuum, so if the idle is low there might not be enough vacuum. I would unplug (I know easier said then done) o2 sensors and see if it makes any difference how it runs.

88=throttle kicker circuit according to

It runs very well, just idles higher and lower depending on how it "wakes up" in the morning ;) Sometimes it fails to start for the first time when it's cold or middle temperature. Than I have to slightly depress the gas pedal and it starts right up. It also has waving idle when cold sometimes for a minute.

I'll try to replace the TPS. Do you think that a TPS from '87 3.8 will work in '85 5.0? I have two spare TPS for my T-bird, but they are both used :(
Title: '85 5.0 V8 CFI acting strange today
Post by: Shevretti on June 08, 2008, 09:47:06 AM
Quote from: softtouch;222517
KOEO on demand codes:
31- The voltage on the EGR position sensor BR/LG wire is either less than 1 volt or more than 1.5 volts. More than 1.5 v means the valve is not closing all the way.
The O/W wire is the 5v reference voltage and the BK/W wire is ground. Fix this and the the KOER 31 and 33 may go away.

88- Check throttle kicker solenoid plug for corrosion. Check solenoid coil with OHM meter to see if it is open.

31 & 33- Fix KOEO code 31 first.
77- Failed the "goose" test. When you get the "dynamic response" signal (one sweep of the meter) momentarily goose it to WOT.

22- MAP sensor frequency out of specs. Since it did not fail with an on damand code or a KOER code this is intermittent. Maybe it is vibration sensitive or the plug is corroded.
41- O2 sensor lean. If you have two it's the right side. This is also intermittent since it did not fail KOER.

Reset the CM codes and see if they reoccur.

OK, I'll check the EGR related things and see what's going wrong.

What's the throttle kicker solenoid? Is it something like IAC?
Title: '85 5.0 V8 CFI acting strange today
Post by: softtouch on June 08, 2008, 02:25:26 PM
Quote from: Shevretti;222572
What's the throttle kicker solenoid? Is it something like IAC?

It controls the vacuum to the throttle positioner that pushes on the throttle linkage to increase idle speed when the engine is cold or the A/C is on.
An IAC accomplishes the same thing by increasing air flow into the intake. These are not used on CFI.
Title: '85 5.0 V8 CFI acting strange today
Post by: softtouch on June 08, 2008, 03:34:03 PM
The throttle kicker solenoid on 84 T-Bird/ Cougar is on the front side of the driver's side shock tower. It controls the vacuum to the throttle positioner on the CFI.
