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Computers/PCs => General Computer Forum => Topic started by: 5.0willgo on January 13, 2008, 09:01:13 AM

Title: Bought a Mac!
Post by: 5.0willgo on January 13, 2008, 09:01:13 AM
As the title says I finally got my Mac.
I drove up to Delaware last night and picked it up tax free ;)  Suck on that Gov. O'Malley.

Tis a MacBook Pro
17" antiglare screen
2.6GHz Intel Core Duo processor
200GB 7200rpm hard drive
She's nearly fully loaded just missing the 4GB RAM and Hi-Res screen.

I picked up the Apple Protection Plan, USB modem so I can hook up my home dial up(whoop-de-doo!), and a mighty mouse.

Let me just say that this thing is friggin awesome and puts my sister's Windows based Toshiba to shame. Oh and the backlit keyboard is dead shagy. I'll be putting in my order for Adobe CS3 come Monday if I can't get a copy from work.:headbang:
Title: Bought a Mac!
Post by: dominator on January 13, 2008, 09:15:41 AM
My condolences go out to you!!!
Title: Bought a Mac!
Post by: daminc on January 13, 2008, 09:21:25 AM
Macs kick butt
I've got a 15" powerbook G4 and a G4 Quad for my studio.
they never crash or slow down.
Title: Bought a Mac!
Post by: EricCoolCats on January 13, 2008, 09:50:27 AM
 dude...that was a pretty penny, wasn't it?! Cool, congrats, you'll enjoy it.
Title: Bought a Mac!
Post by: 5.0willgo on January 13, 2008, 10:39:56 AM
It was the finest penny that I have ever seen for sure. Comparing what I paid for my '88 back in 2001 to this, I could have bought 3 Cats, tagged and insured all of them and still had money left for a parts car.

I had money left over from my student loan so I just went for it. Considering my basically non-stop work and school schedule, I needed some way to get my projects done. Now I won't be fighting to get trial versions of applications to work on a sub par machine. Not only that but I can spend as much time as I want to improve my work all around for a better portfolio.

Quote from: dominator
My condolences go out to you!!!
Wait... that's not funny, lol.

Quote from: daminc
Macs kick butt
I've got a 15" powerbook G4 and a G4 Quad for my studio.
they never crash or slow down.
They're all I use at my design job and at school. My other job deals with all databases and networking so PC it is.
Title: Bought a Mac!
Post by: daminc on January 13, 2008, 01:24:07 PM
I use mine mostly for music and video editing. and sometimes the occasional dvd rip (i mean backup)
Title: Bought a Mac!
Post by: ~AC on January 13, 2008, 01:28:40 PM
pc = gaming mac=media.  i bet you guys didnt know that mac os can run on pc and vista on macs?  btw mac runs vista better than the current pc's.
Title: Bought a Mac!
Post by: Haystack on January 13, 2008, 01:38:28 PM
why would you ruin a mac by putting vista on it? Thats like making your car run 9's and then filling the tires full of cement....
Title: Bought a Mac!
Post by: daminc on January 13, 2008, 01:39:12 PM
but why run a microsoft product with so many problems?
the mac os is so much more stable to run.
I would much rather run OSX on a pc than Vista

BTW most Powerbooks and Macbooks don't use the case fans to the fullest. there are a lot of good utilities to make the fan cool down your computers. I use one called G4 fan control. keeps my powerbook 20 deg. cooler.
Title: Bought a Mac!
Post by: ~AC on January 13, 2008, 01:46:01 PM
i was just saying if you wanted to put windows on one partition and macos on anther for things windows does and mac chooses not to etc.  that and the fact that macs are more powerful than pc's right now b/c vista runs better on macs than stock pcs right now.
Title: Bought a Mac!
Post by: daminc on January 13, 2008, 03:05:04 PM
I use virtual PC for running pc software. this way I dont have to reboot. It runs any os in its own window on OSX. Its a little slower that way, but I only run one windows program
I also prefer win 2000 as a OS.
I also use DOSBOX for running cmd. line dos programs in OSX. (old pc dos games)
Title: Bought a Mac!
Post by: ~AC on January 13, 2008, 03:11:00 PM
sweet sounds like your set. :D