Fox T-Bird/Cougar Forums

Technical => Engine Tech => Topic started by: beej8508 on July 03, 2007, 04:09:02 PM

Title: '83 Turbocharger
Post by: beej8508 on July 03, 2007, 04:09:02 PM
Will any Garrett T-3 fit on my '83 Turbocoupe?

Title: '83 Turbocharger
Post by: Tbird232ci on July 03, 2007, 06:40:12 PM
As long as it has the same .
Title: '83 Turbocharger
Post by: beej8508 on July 03, 2007, 07:14:34 PM
If the  is different, Can I take the  off my  '83  and put on the new T-3?  Sorry for the stupid questions...Turbochargers aren't my expertise!
Title: '83 Turbocharger
Post by: Tbird232ci on July 04, 2007, 12:41:32 AM
the  is actually part of the turbo, so no

just find the proper one, theres enough people out there with them
Title: '83 Turbocharger
Post by: SLEEPER T-BIRD 87 on July 04, 2007, 01:38:35 AM
Quote from: beej8508;158310
Will any Garrett T-3 fit on my '83 Turbocoupe?


83-86 turbocoupe /Xr7

merkurs up to 89

All will have a T3 that will bolt directly in place.You may or maynot have the water coolant lines on your 83.
Title: '83 Turbocharger
Post by: rodsterh on July 05, 2007, 08:54:23 PM
PM sent... Interested in hearing more about your 83TC.


Quote from: beej8508;158343
If the  is different, Can I take the  off my  '83  and put on the new T-3?  Sorry for the stupid questions...Turbochargers aren't my expertise!