I'll be welding more of these up soon for those interested.
I'm guessitmating a ship date of Mid-April.
Pricing is as before, $135-140/set depending on the bushings wanted. No money needed yet, but if you want to lay claim to a set shoot me an email (cwarren@indy.net) with your shipping info, car year and bushings.
As a side note, I am HEAVILY looking into my costs on all my mounts, so I expect after this run the price may be a little higher. Just an FYI.
Parts are in hand and I'll start sticking metal together this weekend probably.
Well I got crazy with the welder over the weekend....parts are off to the platers Tues AM.
Well, bushings are on their way. Once I have those I can ship.
I'm going to have about 3 sets available.
I'm expecting bushings the end of next week.
Don't everyone order at once ;)
Are these still up for grabs, or all taken? What are the choices in bushings (and differences for us who have no clue :D) and payment options?
They are still available. You have a choice of the original stiffer bushings or the softer ones. Payments can be by PayPal or MO. If you're interested shoot me an email to the addy above.
I assume the softer bushings can be purchased separately for those who have the original mounts? :D
Yes, but I have limited qtys of the softer bushings at the moment, so I'd have to check supply.
Still have a couple sets of mounts available.
Cougar5.0..do your lower bushings have grooves in them that run the circumference? I changed bushings, so which ones you have would determine what you need.
e-mail set;)
There is one set available. I'll need to order more bushings, so it would be a couple weeks until they can ship, but the mounts are here and ready.
I can wait on the next ones,If someone needs them.Chuck if you need to dump them let me know.
Right now they're sitting here, so it really doesn't matter.
yes, they have the grooves...
Still have a set of the 5.0 mounts available.
Ready to box and ship the next day.
You know you want 'em...
Yeh I want them,if still available.
Sorry, you missed them by about a week.
If there is enough interest I'll do some more.
I know I'll take a set,can't keep stocks in mine.
Well I need more than one person interested.
Hey chuck, I finally installed a set of mounts that I bought off you a mighty long time ago...I used them to replace the broken mounts in my '88 XR7, BIG difference! I love them, cleared my Mac 1 3/4" longtubes and they look great to boot...I love the way they were packaged...part numbers and all!
Thanks again!
I want a set. I can paypal you next weekend ish.
If you are interested in "ordering" a set, you need to send me an email (cwarren@indy.net) with your shipping info, etc.
Well I have parts ordered and one email from interested folks.
As mentioned before, a post here WILL NOT be considered an order.
You MUST email me if you are interested.
I seen them at Carlisle there nice!,Raise the moter up a little.
Lookin forward to gettin a set.
Still have a couple sets available in this batch.
SHould be shipping in about 2 weeks.
Still have a couple sets left. I'm boxing up the current orders this weekend to ship Mon.
Pricing will be going up on successive batches (by about $25/set), but these will sell at the old price of $150/set.
Email me if interested.
I started welding today on a new batch.
Pricing is now $175/shipped in the US.
Shipping will probably be 3 weeks as I will be waiting on bushings.
Shoot me an email (cwarren@indy.net) if interested.
Probably getting them to the platers early next week and bushings are ordered.
I'm also doing a few 3.8 mounts as well in this batch.
Still a couple sets available.
OK, well I'll have all the bits to get these boxed and ready to ship by the end of the week. Still a couple sets available.
One set still available
(Ok, well not this EXACT set, but I noticed there were no pics in this thread :p)
im interested in a set!!!!!!
Not sure if I have an extra set at the moment. Waiting on confirmation.
All sold.
not making any more any time soon?
I'd take some around tax time.
It depends on interest. I imagine I'll be making more.
oh alright, im interested but have no money to back up my interest. I should by next month tho.
does anyone have a picture of these installed?
chuck, is there an advantage to this design over the hydraulic replacements that are ~160 from the part stores? those are the ones that are oem replacements. i mean its either buy yours are just get the oem replacements unless your's are different design aka BETTER. if so i'm definably interested.
You will destroy the stock ones...
You will never tear mine into 2 pieces, nor will they leak.
Well I have a set available...
tax time?
Just a head's up.
I'll probably be doing more of these in the near future. I have to get caught up on my backlog of orders (I have orders for 25 other units...I guess there are worse problems to have :hick:) and then I will work in some of these.
OK I will have more of these available to ship within a couple weeks (waiting on bushings).
Pricing is $175/shipped in the US.
If you are interested, shoot me an email (cwarren@indy.net) with your shipping info and what bushings you want (stiff or soft).
As of right now I have 5 sets available.
If you need a pic, look HERE (http://www.turbochuck.com/images/Motor%20Mounts/Type%206/Type%206_1.jpg).
Chuck do you have any of these mounts left and will they work on a87 cougar with a 5.0 ? This maybe a dumb question but are you using polyurethane bushings
Yes, pretty much everyone flaked on me...
As mentioned above, shoot me an email.
I've got 2 or 3 sets of these that are available.
I'm making a handful of these. Will update when parts are being welded.
I'll have parts in hand this coming weekend to start welding.
I'll have a handful available for shipping within the next couple weeks.
Dropped them off at the platers this morning.
Will have 4-5 sets available.
Will be picking them up from the platers early in the week.
Come and get 'em.
Chuck, what is the latest price on them, and is there still a choice of bushings like before?
Same price as before, $175/shipped. Yes, still a choice of bushings.
You know you want them...
And I got them today. They're pretty incredible.
Thanks Chuck. looks like your running out of products for me.
Well yes I know this, and twice now I have been ready to buy them but found myself unable to spend the money because of unpredictable situations that arise. Now if you will excuse me I have to dust my wallet.
Started a new job Monday, lots of work, more money. Maybe I will find myself in a buying situation sometimes soon.
Just to give everyone an idea.
People have been talking about my tank frame.
I believe these mounts, will really compliment my frame.
Nice job Chuck, They pass my tank standard. LOL
Look how clean your finger nails are!! do you really work?
I work 12 hrs a day. but I wear gloves when I need to. There's no grime on my cars either, I hate that .
see.... My cougar has always been the same way.
Still have some available.
Still some available.
do you still have a set of these? I'm swapping out the motor this january, and I already broke the two mounts I put in 2 months ago. One was new.
Nope. None available at the moment.
Was planning on ordering parts for some after the first of the year (laser guy closed until then anyway)
any chance there might be some 87-88 tc mounts?
Not at the moment. They're on the short list though of stuff to do.
So, what is the interest in some of the 5.0 and 86-88TC mounts?
are the 5.0 mounts the same of the v6? if not i will need a v6 set when i get my new k-member.
I doubt they are the same. My V6 mounts only work for the 86+ cars though.
I am going to be needing new motor mounts (5.0) but it might be late summer or into fall...
I'd snag a set of CW TC mounts
I need some 5.0 motor mounts. I'm not spending another $80 per side to have them break.
Ok, I am ordering parts for the following mounts this coming week:
Type 2 - 86-88 TC
Type 6 - 86-97 5.0
Type 8 - 86-97 3.8
Usual deal, they will be $175/shipped in the US
If you are interested and want to confirm an order, email me. (cwarren@indy.net).
I'm gonna be waiting on my w-2's...:(
These most likely won't be ready to roll until Feb at the earliest. I don't know how long my laser cutter will take to get caught up after they were closed for the holidays.
Well in that last post I meant laser cutter, not powdercoater (as I'm my powdercoater).
Speaking of that, I'm thinking I'm going to powdercoat this batch to see how it goes. I've been unimpressed with my plater the past couple times.
What does that mean? Well my stock colors are black or grey, but I might consider custom colors (1 step only...no 2 step) for an extra $20/set.
OK, well my laser cutter was running about a week behind, but I'll have parts in my hands next week and will be able to start welding.
Only have 1 confirmed order for some of the 5.0 mounts.
Parts in hand tomorrow. Welding to commence this week.
Just going to add, these are nice mounts. The hard bushings are more like hard plastic than rubber though (they are rubbery but I can't seem to much much of a dent in them than I can with the softer ones) - good thing I got 2 other pairs (spares) of the "softer" ones to use. Just a heads up for anyone ordering.
As for how they both absorb vibrations, no idea. I put the "soft" ones in and haven't looked back. I think I feel slightly more engine vibration than the stock hydraulics, but nothing really noticeable.
The bushings are polyurethane, not rubber ;)
The stiff are a 70A. The current soft ones are a 70A/45A combo. They are being replaced with a 70A/55A combo from this point onward though.
The vibrations all depend on the engine really. Each one is a bit different. Also, what one person finds "acceptable", the next would find "unbearable".
Got the first few coated this morning.
Same difference. It's solid and flexible.
What was the issue with the plater?
A couple things.
One, they aren't too good with their quality control and I get some mediocre-looking parts from them. I used to get great stuff from them, but I think they are cutting corners these days.
Two, they have a minimum which with my smaller batches I rarely meet any more, and thus am paying quite a bit more than I should.
This allows me to keep things more fluid, control the quality, and be better able to keep small quantities of product on hand.
Look at the nice surprise I got in the mail today! :D :D
Looks like I won't have to worry about bustin' any more motor mounts. Thanks Chuck! :bowdown: They look great, can't wait to put them into use with my new 5.0 HO.
Wow I am glad i saw this, I was gonna swap in a mustang k member to get rid of the factory style mounts. I will definatly be getting a pair when I get to that point!
i hate to ask but how much is a set of mounts for the 86 5.0
$175/shipped. Have some sitting here.
I have been endeavouring to keep all of my mounts onhand and available for shipping. Worst case delay is 2 weeks if I get stuck w/o bushings between orders.
This applies to all mounts for the 86-88 cars (2.3T, 5.0, 3.8).
Plenty of mounts available.
Do you have any on hand still?
Right now I'm waiting on some more bushings, but should have them with in a couple weeks.
Do you have anything vert worthy for an 85 5.0?
As far as I know you can make use of the "Mustang" type mounts for your '85.
Thanks Chuck, I'll look into that
You still gonna have any of these mounts available?/ won't be ready to purchase until 1st of the new year!! (2 kids and x-mas and all) but i am definately gonna want a pair
Of course.
Hey Chuck. Someone said that these mounts raise the engine a bit. Is that true? My 351w will sit higher already and I don't want it to sit ant higher. Also the soft and stiff bushings, which would be better for a 400 ft pound of torque engine?
Well, they might raise the engine compared to old/blown-out stock bushings, but they should be the same as a set of new stock-type mounts as far as height goes.
Stiff for your application.
Do you have 87 88 mounts on hand if you do how much shippped to 64062
Of course I'm still making them, but unfortunately it looks like I'm out of them at the moment. :o
I'll be ordering more parts tonight.
OK Sounds good shoot me a PM I will be needing a set in the next couple of weeks/months
Email me instead pls. I don't do business via PMs.
Looks like I'll have laser parts in my hands to begin welding this coming weekend, so these will be back "in-stock" shortly.
I'm getting closer and closer to getting a pair.I have money coming,it's a matter of when it gets here.One step closer.
The past week has had me running in circles. Will be getting more welded up this weekend and hopefully off to the powdercoater next week.
Ordered some. Thanks Chuck.
Got my mounts today. FREAKIN AWESOME!
Thanks Chuck
Glad they made it OK.
They made it with no issues. The border just loves to keep hold of this stuff comming to Canada from the US.
Yup. I've had mounts get to Australia quicker than to Canada.
I believe it.
Just a quick question here Chuck, will the type 6 mounts work with the Mark VII's? I've heard there were difference's in the K-members between the two but I have no way to know for sure. Figured if anybody knew, you would since you make 'em.
Someone else may have to verify the Mk7 mounts. I'm pretty sure they're the same as for those in the TBirds, but I'm not 100% sure. What do yours look like?
I'll have to take a peek at mine, and compare them, just figured you may have known off-hand.
I just can't recall any Mk7 guys picking them up. I would think that yours would be the same as the 5.0 87 Tbird/Cougar. If you can snap a quick pic or two from below, I could better help ID them.
OK, a quick part number search shows that for your '87, you would use the same mounts as an 87 Mustang.
If you want to snap a picture, I can verify it for you.
I got a few pictures, but I can't upload them, my sd card reader is missing.... I did a parts number search in relevance to the t-bird, and they were indeed different. I can try to grab some pics with my phone, but I have no flash so they may not be all that great.
Yep the Mark VIIs use the same mount as 5.0 Mustangs. I believe they actually used the Mustang convertible mounts which are some what different (not much) than the hard top mounts.
Hey Chuck do your mounts sit same as factory? or lower? I have "altered" stock mounts a now my steering shaft ishiznitting the BBK longtubes. Mine are solid but I need some that sit the engine a tad lower? thanks
no i am wrong motor need to go up a tad, mine are stocker drilled with a welded blolt through them. i think the lost some height
They sit normally at around the stock height. You can space them up a slight bit (1/4-3/8") if needed with the stock hardware.
do you have any on hand? and if you do how much are they shipped to 61073. I just want the headers to clear
I just sent out the last set I had on hand, so I would need to weld up and coat more.
They run $175/shipped in the US.
I have a couple sets of my Type 6 motor mounts available at the moment. Coated black.
They will fit 5.0/5.8 motors into 86-97 TBirds/Cougars.
They run $175/shipped in the US.
Also, please don't ask about shock mounts in this thread. IF I decide to do more, I will post up about it.
Email me please at cwarren@indy.net
One set still available
I really should get these. monies
So, I've been talked into doing a few more mounts (Been trying to take a break from it). I'm going to have a couple sets of Type 6's available in this batch.
Pricing as usual, $175/shipped in the US. Black powdercoat. Email me if you're interested at cwarren@indy.net.
(Sorry...no shock brackets will be happening)
OK, well I'm welding these up right now. Get 'em while you can!
I have 351w in my 83tb, with convertible mustang mounts, you have mounts for 351w? benefit from the convertible style mounts?
The 83-85s are going to use Mustang mounts. My 5.0 mounts cover 86+.
OK. I have two sets of the Type 6's left. Once they are gone, that's it. I'm not planning on making any more.
Get 'em while you can.
These are it. When they're gone, they're gone.
One set left.
So are you done (as in never again) making any kind of motor mounts or shock adapters?
Right now I have no plans to get back to this. Too busy.
Not sure if anyone is reading this but I’ll give it a a try. I bought a set of your mounts probably 10+ years ago. Started the car today and found a pile of dried out bushings underneath. Jacked the car up and the bushings in the mounts crumbled. How can I get replacements? I’m in a bind.
Typical failure of the 2nd-source poly bushings I tried for a while.
Energy Suspension 9.4102's are the replacements (and the original bushings I used when I started all of this).
They run around $30-35/set everywhere online.